Friday, November 17, 2017

Kuirau Park, Rotorua Photo Lesson 3. . Two hour photo session with editing at the end

We walked around Kuirau Park with our cameras focusing on the texture and eeriness of the place. 

These shots were then super-imposed on top of one another in photoshop and manipulated to look spooky and mysterious. 

Foreboding and dangerous. 
This area is sometimes a place where people have been attacked over the years.
 I would not advise a single woman on her own to go there. 

I always go with someone else whenever i am photographing in remote or spooky places for safety.

The steam from the pools makes items like this bridge appear then disappear. 

A number of people over the years have fallen into the pools to their death, either accidentally or on purpose.

Never the less it is a resonant place. 
Things are always changing with the seasons and it is a great place to go for photography for the diversity.

One on one photography lessons.

Tuesday to Thursday mornings
Tuesdays to Thursday early evenings.
2 hours.

Two hour duration
Phone or text 0273513887

Turn your snapshots into great shots with my secret individually tailored lessons.

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