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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What am I doing creatively today?

At the risk of sounding boring, I tidied part of my studio where the giant poplar tree had crashed onto it. I hate tidying and cleaning at the best of times so I turned on some motivating music to help me through it.
The builder and painter visited me today to measure up for repairs.
They will start in two weeks and it will take up to a month for the work to be completely finished.

I have been receiving a number of invitations to exhibit in various venues so I need to start painting. I know what I want to do, I just have to begin.

I went with my friend April for a walk along a stream for around an hour, it was another gorgeous day. April gave me one of her beautifully crafted Angel dolls and a blessing for the studio revamp. I feel honoured. I will post a photo of the Angel tomorrow.

Today wasn't all that creative but sometimes you just have to declutter to let new opportunities arise.

I did sort out some lovely photos to post.
Watch this space.

Creativity Quote for the day :" Every time we say Let there be! in any form, something happens" Stella Terrill Mann

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