Best Photos

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Watercolour painting class pictures from my pupils at Rotorua Arts Village in February/ March 2011

All of the people on the course were beginner watercolour painters.

  I was really pleased with their accelerated progress.
Many people completed the homework  I set them  each night which really improved their results.

Thanks to everyone for making such a great effort and thanks to Rotorua Arts Village for the studio space.
Thanks to Imogen Crispe at the Rotorua Wekender for such a well written and positive write up plus StephenParker for the creative photographs.
Being in the front page of the paper has always been my dream, being creatrive can make these things happen.

Descriptions of Techniques

Flower Painting
Concentrating on brush skills, composition and the importance of leaving white space, not overworking the paint, being free and fluid.
Letting the luminosity of the paper work its magic.

Portrait out of a magazine or from photographs, practising drawing and painting upside down to achieve a more convincing likeness.

Landscape incorporating 10 values from light to dark. 
Making a black out of the primary colours. 
Painting  the same lansdcape in colour, working towards achieving a full tonal range from dark to light.

Pen and wash, using a waterproof pen for emphasis, definition  and depth. 

Negative Painting, concentrating on the space around the shape, building up the background first, leaving the subject to pop put after a series of glazes.

 Monoprinting, painting at the speed of light, abstract for quick backgrounds or to make into cards.

 Children's book illustration, having a go at seeing the world through the eyes of a child again. Exploring my large collection  of favourite children's books adapting their techniques to do your own thing.

Pupils hard at work,  having fun learning and practising over six different watercolour techniques.
The brief was that all attendees  would obtain at least four finished paintings that they could frame.
Many exceeded this target,  so well done.

Comments from Participants.
"You unlocked the amazing  colours that are in my head and  you helped to get them out onto the paper. I am still painting, getting books out of the library. I'll be back for another course."Heather

"I really enjoyed the class, the variety of techniques learned and your teaching style suited me. It added to the knowledge I gained when I attended your acrylic painting course." 

"Thank you so much for your watercolour teachings, art talk and inspiration.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the class and will be back."

"I recommended a friend to go on Janet's next Watercolour painting class because I  know it will make her feel  happy. I am intending to do some more, I have so many ideas." 

The next Watercolour Painting Class is enrolling now for  Monday 9th May for six weeks.
Class numbers limited to 14.
Please see Sharon at  the Rotorua Arts Village to book and pay for your class.
Beginners Watercolour Classes

Dates: Monday Nights, 9th May – 20th June (6 weeks)

Time: 6pm to 8pm

Class size: 10 to 14 people of any age

Where: Studio 2 Rotorua Arts Village
Cost: $130.00 per person plus materials. (Own art materials required, listed below)

.• This is a perfect class for people who have never picked up a brush but have always wanted to.

• You will learn a variety of easy water colour painting techniques which will result in at least four works that can be framed.

• You will have access during the class to Janet’s large range of water colour painting books and magazines for inspiration.

• You will have fun a class that will let you go with the flow and allow you to appreciate the luminosity of this beautiful medium.

Materials List

Artists water colour A4 pad 300gsm ( Sheila Turners)

Cottmans blue, purple, red, yellow, burnt sienna, paynes grey, yellow ocre ( Sheila Turners)

Plastic plates for palettes

Large, medium, small, acrylic brushes

Plastic or glass large jar for water

Paper towels

HB pencil

Contact Rotorua Arts Village  at (07) 348-9008

Contact Janet at (07) 346-3435
Web: http://www.jkeen.netblog/:

I can run these classes as weekend workshops in my studio or I can come to you if you have a group in the Bay of Plenty or Waikato.

Ring me on  07 3453435 for a quote or email me at
View my wesite at

Creativity Quote of the Day
“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.”

Stanley Horowitz

1 comment:

  1. I think I might have to get my watercolours out again these paintings have inspired me. Thank you Janet.
