Best Photos

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's Spring, the daffodils are out.

  If you live in Rotorua or the Bay of Plenty you could go for a walk to celebrate Spring in the Memorial Peace Garden (Rotorua Tree Trust) on Mokoia Drive.
 Take a detour, after days work, before you go home.
It's not going to hurt you to take a half  hour out of your day for yourself, it's not a mortal sin. 
 It's just up the road from the Waiariki Institute of Technology, go on I dare you to do it and drop me a line at to tell me you've done it.

The daffodils are out in large drifts, you don't want to miss them.

Take some shots with your pocket rocket or your dslr.
They don't have to be magnicient works of superlative art.
You just want to get into a peacful space.
To de-stress and detox.
Turn your smart phone off, the people will still be there when you switch it back on again.

Have some silence, celebrate that you've made it through another dormant Rotorua winter to the beginning of Spring where everything seems filled with the possibility of new beginnings.
Think about making the coming year happier for yourself and your family.

Take a notebook and a pen and jot down some quick thoughts.
Buy one at the two dollar shop if you don't want to spend too much  money.
 Doodle a quick sketch with your biro.
 Do something a tiny bit creative just for yourself.
You don't need to show anyone else what you have done and it doesn't have to be magnificent or perfect.
It just has to be.
Like the daffodils.

 Lovely and free.
Good luck and blessings, you are so worth it. 

Creative quotes of the day. 

Excerpt from Wordworths famous Daffodil Poem. 

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