Best Photos

Saturday, October 6, 2012

TEDS Talk u-tube videos, give yourself a burst of creativity from watching these before you go to bed at night.

 This is my latest creativity tip.
 Before you go to bed tonight, Google  TED talks, ideas worth spreading.
Find out all about this organisation, view some of the U-Tube Videos.

 My favourite one on creativity is from John Cleese. That guy is  still hilarious.

Sleep on it and all those wonderful ideas will work in your subconscious and help with your dreams.

It only takes about 15 minutes.

 I know  will be successful in growing my creative business to greater heights because I am believing in the power of positivity.

  Me with two of my October school holiday mosaic pupils. So well behaved, so artistic.

If you live in a  provincial town  at the bottom of the world like me it's a challenge to come into contact with people who are charismatic, famous and inspiring on a world changing level.
 But watching these videos on my ipad in bed makes me feel like they are in my house.
It's magic. 

Lovely group of young people with their fish mosaic projects and me with one of my mosaic birds with vintage china and white grout, October school holidays.

This weekend I was talking some senior experienced members of the  Camera club about wanting to do a grid of photos,  but not knowing how to do it.  One person gave me a lesson over the phone about doing it in photoshop and another one told me about Picassa.
 I spent the whole day experimanting, when I probably should have been weeding my garden because i have some bus tours coming on soon to see my mosaic garden. 

Here are two attempts.

Toitoi at Ohiwa Harbour New Zealand

Beach at Opotike just on dusk .most beautiful part of  New Zealand for an idylic,  quiet and unspoilt beach holiday. 

Also this weekend I went to another Camera Club person's house and organised my Haiku and Photography calendar for 2013. 
They are twelve of my favourite photos with associated  haiku .
 I usually give these to family, friends and clients. 

I have a lot of really nice friends at the Rotorua Camera Club. I appreciate their help. it's great to all  be on a creative journey together.

The cherry trees are all out at the moment so I photographed a lot of them and will continue before they lose their petals.

Creative Quotes of the day
When we engage in what we are naturally suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is play that stimulates creativity.” –  Linda Naiman

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda

All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.” — Albert Camus

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