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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What have I been up to creatively and otherwise over the past couple of days?

Everyday seems bursting with things to do.
The sun is out, yay and so are my roses.
I need to tidy my studio as tomorrow I'm having a couple of clients in for morning tea.

  I had a busy day yesterday teaching and I have a big mess from all the collage.
I have such lovely, incredibly gifted and special  pupils, it makes everything so rewarding.
I am loving seeing how they are developing.

One of my clients said to me, your garden is really big and there are so many flowers in it.
Do you do all that yourself?
I said no I have someone who comes in for a couple of hours once a week during the peak weed growing season, but even so I do spend quite a number of hours in it.
At the moment it's time for me to take some cuttings of daisies I want to propagate. I am envisaging a sea of white everywhere.

I will be planting a lot of perennials this weekend and doing a spring/summer clean of my studio.
The whole place needs the windows cleaned and I will  to take some junk to the dump.
 We will finish off the Japanese garden by putting down weedmat and topsoil and planting some grass seed.

There are a couple of areas in the garden that  will receive more compost, planting and barking.
I am barking every garden to cut down on all the weeding.
 I will be able  to design and commission a new wheel cover  for my car and put it through the car wash.
 I will  clean it out.

I will get rid of some junk in my office, clean the fridge, the kitchen cupboards and so it goes on. There is a ton of work to do around here and that doesn't even include all the artwork, marketing, walking, meditiating, going on adventures, catching up with friends, reading,  writing and illustrating that will be occuring.
 Keeping away from overwelm is a good idea.

I went through my wardrobe and threw out two rubbish bags full of clothes that will be used as rags  and over shirts.

 I went for a walk to Hamarana Springs today with my artist friend April.
We have an artist walk once a week on a Wednesday.
 I took a lot of shots of the wildlife and the beautiful clear water along with weed and sand formations.
The Redwoods out there are magestic.
It's all a little overgown and sort of relaxed.
 I loved being out there because of the peace.
I wish I could have gotten closer to the  ducks as there were a number of them with ducklings.But to do so would have meant i would have fallen in.
 I wouldn't have minded that much because it was hot. hot, hot.

I went to camera club fun night after cooking my husband a lamb salad.
We went on a treasure hunt where we took our cameras outside with  a buddy and had a list of things we had to take.
I helped a new member to work her camera. She is from China. I'm pretty sure we are going to be friends. I like people from Asican countries. they have a perspective on life that is different and refreshing to me.

It was fun  time and I took some interesting shots that I will post up here at a later date.

So things have been pretty full on for the past three days.
 I am looking forward to a break maybe in the afternoon  tomorrow.
 I might sneak off to the movies if I get time, but if it's another beautiful day maybe I would be best to stay home and do some painting and gardening.
 Thursday is supposed to be my day off but at the moment I am reducing it to half a day off.

 Creative Quote of the day
 Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time

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