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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Painted terra cotta pots,step by step

Abundance and Gratitude  pots with Creativity Queen,  Janet Keen. 

Want to attract more abundance into your life but keep forgetting to focus on it?

 Make some of these sparkly, little pots write out all your wishes and all you are grateful for and place then where you can see them every day.
This will help you to achieve your dreams.

Resene New Zealand  have an array of gorgeous metallic paints in test pots which are featured in their “Kidz Colour” brochure.
  I used Funtasia and Bedazzle.

 I have chosen a just two of them to paint my magical wishing and gratitude pots.

 Step By Step

Equipment needed

Small terracotta pots and bases, Bunnings

Testpots of Resene metallic paints

Flat backed marbles

Small paintbrush

Plastic white picnic plate

Bostik clearseal, (use as glue)

Gun to go with Clear seal, Bunnings

Thick icecream sticks, $2.00 type shops

Alphabet stamps and decorative stamps, Spotlight
Flat backed embellishments like flowers , Spotlight.



Step 1. Paint two coats of Resene metallic paint from test pots over all surfaces of your pot and your base,  including inside and outside.

Step 2. Dry off between coats with a hairdryer.

Step 3.  Place some of the Clearseal out onto a plastic plate

Step 4. With an ice-cream stick apply the Clearseal to the back of some flat backed marbles.

Step 5. Place the marbles around the top of the painted pot. They may slide down at first so you’ll need to keep on pushing them on so they stick.
 Turn the pot upside down so that the marbles don’t have far to slide down.

Step 6. Turn the saucer of the pot upside down and place a ring of the Clearseal on it and  glue the pot to it.

Step 7. Apply some more marbles onto the side of the upside down saucer.

Step 8. Place some black ink onto stamps of your choice and stamp them onto the pot in a pattern that you like. 

Step 9. Paint two ice-cream sticks matching colours, stick them together in a t to form a little sign.

 Step 10. Stamp or write the words Gratitude pot or and wishing pot on the horizontal  stick of the miniature sign. 
Step11. Stick on some embellishments from Spotlight of your choice 

Step 12. Stick the sign onto the inside edge of the pots.

Step 13. Hand write or type out one wish and one thing you are grateful for each  week and pop them in their pots.

 If you’re really keen try it more than once a week, daily would be optimum.

Step 14. At the end of  six months see how many of your wishes have come true.

Step 15. Good luck, don't forget to be grateful for what you already have. 
I’m going to be contributing to my pots daily  and looking forward to increased abundance. 

These are just the colours the embellishments and the words I  have chosen , feel free to go wild and invent your own. This is just the jumping off place.

Good luck and tell me your story. 

  Creative quote of the day
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
Eckhart Tolle

Adult  art and mosaic and creativity classes Monday to Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 11.30 am from $25.00 per hour plus the cost of materials. 

4 week beginners mosaic class $62.50 per 2 hour session, including materials.

Children's After School art Classes Mondays to Fridays from 3.30pm to 5.00pm 
$25.00 including most materials per hour. 
Students will be asked to do some home play towards a visual diary that we can showcase at the end of the year.

Every child's artwork is different. 
Enquire today, give the special person in your life a creative head start. 

 Phone: 07-3463435 or email to book your space.

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