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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Art and Mosaic lessons for gifted children


                              Children's book illustration
This illustration was adapted from the book Willie the Witch  
I have a lot of really lovely children's illustrated books to gain inspiration from. This improves their literacy as well so is ideal for ESOL as well as mainstream people. Children are encouraged to make up and recite their own stories.

present, a bird to reflect your loved ones interests. 

Mondays to Wednesdays after school 3.30 to 5pm , Fridays 3.30 to 5.00pm
One hour lessons
$25.00 per person including materials.
Enrolling now email to reserve your child's place in 2014.
Each person has their own programme which is tied into their interests and personality.
No two people produce the same creation, which teaches them to use their initiative and to validate their own ideas.
Home work is encouraged in the form of illustrations in their visual diaries.
Each pupil is encouraged to learn techniques of being a children's book illustrator.
At the end of each year they will have a book of work they can refer to for ideas of making into bigger paintings.

Adult painting and mosaic lessons also available.
Monday to Wednesday Mornings and Friday mornings.
$50.00 for two hours plus materials of which I will provide a materials list to you after your creativity  consultation
Watercolour, acrylic, oil and mixed media painting lessons available.
come for four lessons or 52, it's up to you.

Email to reserve your space.



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