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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Native New Zealand Bird Paintings by Keiko Walker in art classes run by Janet Keen in Rotorua, New Zealand.

Keiko comes most Wednesday mornings and has been creating a beautiful set of realistic native bird paintings in acrylic.

Keiko had never painted before coming to art classes and as you can see she has a natural gift and talent

She has a lot of patience and an eye for detail and is a pleasure to have in my class because she is so lovely.

 Spookey her Japanese Spitz comes as well and he is well behaved and likes chewing sticks of driftwood.

 We are looking forward to making some native birds in acrylic using texture with a palette knife next.

If you would like to come along for acrylic painting lessons I have places available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
$50.00 for two hours plus you own materials which I can give you a list for.

Ring Janet on 346-3435

I meet a lot of people  who say they have always wanted to paint, but they keep putting it off and they never get around to it. Keiko is an excellent example of a person who has made the commitment and is doing a beautiful job of making some lovely work.
It is easier to come to my studio to make art than to try and do it on your own where things like housework and other jobs  always seem to take priority.

Creative Quote of the day
"If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world." 
--Mercedes Lackey


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