Best Photos

Monday, January 19, 2015

Kuirau Park Market, Rotorua every Saturday morning from 7.30 to around 12noon. The art of being a lovely photographer.

Plenty of bargains to be found at the Kuirau Park Market, especially for breakfast and veges, you just gotta know where to look 

 The vibe is very laid back and nonthreatening

Everyone is out for a good time eating breakfast and breakfast can be all sorts of things like whitebait fritters to samosas to kebabs. 

People don't seem to mind you taking shots of them. This young guy had a very pleasant manner.

Some people dress up so they look radiant.

 I always like taking shots of the vegetable displays because they look luscious.  
I got a cool recipe from this customer that I am going to try out.  

Garlic, ginger, olive oil, soy sauce. 
Cut up beans to bite sized pieces. 
Mix the ingredients together and pour over beans. 
Heat wok and stir fry until just cooked.


 Some cloths for sale are like works of art

Even the rubbish bins are decorated 

These people gave me a free dumpling with meat in it. For taking their photo, I often buy kebab sticks from around this area.

This guy has an innovative business that people flock to from all over the world from comments made about his food from Tripadvisor. I use Tripadvisor a lot to book accommodation and  other things and they often link back to me so it's a win,win.
Lovely , friendly men, I'm going to make some time to go visit their business in Amohau Street, (formerly Joe's Diner), because I think it would be good to write a travel article about them.
Dumplings look good, I have had these before and they are very filling.
All of the people on the stands are unfailingly nice and happy.
 It's a good vibe place for sure and the food really is quite ethnic in a way. 
It's not like an upmarket or middle class, boutique farmers market,( which has a different charm of its own),  it's more like a community food fest for families. A morning out for happy, humble people.

I love going around talking to market holders about their businesses. 
You hear some pretty interesting stories. It's a real culture of its own the market culture.

It is for the vegetable samosas that I return again and again.
I have been eating them for the past thirteen years. Graham and I usually go about once a month as a treat.

This time I took my camera club buddy Jing and we sat eating them with our feet in the hot water foot baths. 

The baths this day were lovely and hot.

This is the first time Jing had tasted the samosas.

She liked them a lot

We are always trying to take the perfect portrait of each other in different situations.
I must admit that I prefer going out on photo safari's with just one other person so you can interact and have fun together.
Passerbys always wave out or talk.
And sometimes you get to hear stories about people's families that are special.

This man was taking his grandson for an outing and he was an engineer and used to build dams in Borneo.

Their relationship was so special and the boy was a well behaved, serene person with the face and manners of an angel.

I am a free lance writer and photographer looking for employment to write travel articles for magazines and newspapers so feel free to contact me if you would like to pay me to write some articles and take some photography about Rotorua and other places in the Bay of Plenty . 
You can reach me at 

 Creative Quote of the day  

An artist is not paid for her  labour but for her vision.

 “Rembrandt painted portraits, The Karate Kid painted 
fences, and I paint my toenails. But I’m not a snob, I still 
consider those other two guys to be artists.
to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into 
Your Life

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