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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day


I made three double sided hearts for my article in Saturdays Daily Post.
 They are on the lines of  the conversation heart lollies we used to buy as kids. 
These spiral in the wind and they are hung in a tree outside my studio. 
When I see them I will always feel loved and they will greet visitors and pupils and hopefully make them feel happy. 
They are sort of trite and definitely retro and they make you smile with nostalgia. 

I like them so much I'm going to make some more


For my Valentines present Graham bought me a Fitbit Flex three weeks ago
 I am in love with it, so it's a pretty good present. 

I bought him a small coffee plunger so he can have a nice tasting cup of coffee every morning in it, he really liked it

My friend Mirna from El Salvador bought me this gorgeous little hand made book from the TRADE AID shop. 
It has blank pages and I'm going to do a small illustration in it about love every day. 

I bought myself this cup because it has beautiful birds on it and a neat message which is "The world is but canvas to our imagination".

It came in this cute box and also with ts own little coaster.

Graham took me out to Skyline Skyrides restaurant  Stratosfare for dinner.

It was more for the ride up in the gondola than the food. 
I'm not usually a fan of smorgasbords. 

I rang and booked and asked for a window seat but they said you couldn't book for this.
 So we were in amongst noisy people with a kid playing on a smart phone, surrounded by people all on their cell phones. 
 It drives me nuts people being out and checking their cell phones all the time I think it's rude and if I'm with someone who does it I feel like screaming at them, put that thing away when you are in my company. 
You are being so rude. 
The food was ok, not brilliant. 
The decor is nice. 
The view is superb. 
The waiters and waitresses are lovely. 
The seafood chowder was great.
I broke my fitbit diet and had some dessert which was a merange, icecream, black jellibeans, a brandy snap and some chocolate mousse. 
It was nice but I was so aware of all the fat and sugar. 
So you can imagine my fitbit calorie intake was way over what I had expended. 
But I thought,  I've written it down and not to worry about it and just have a nice time. 

Well I wanted to shift to a window seat but Graham didn't so I  was a bit grumpy to tell you the truth.
 It was not the most romantic dinner I have ever had.
 But I was grateful for having an experience and that he actually suggested it.
 You need to let men have some suggestions about romantic dates because it encourages them to plan more. 
The ride back down on the gondola was very lovely and silent. 

Creative Quotes of the Day

There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.

Kiss me and you will see how important I am.
Sylvia Plath

When you look at me, when you think of me, I am in paradise.

So Happy Valentines Day everyone and remember it's never too late to book an art of being lovely mosaic class with me. 
Email for  details.

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