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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Taupo Workshop of Mosaic Fish and Mixed Media Native NZ Birds. Organised by Miranda

I had a wonderful time in Taupo running  mosaic and mixed media workshops. 

It's a great feeling to have people want to make what you make

Everyone had a fish and everyone did something different

 I like to empower people in my workshops, not micro manage them 

This is an ungrouted fish. I gave them all ice-cream containers of lots of different cut up tiles, including stained glass, ceramic and glass tiles plus marbles. 

They had a lot to cover in three hours so they were encouraged to focus and go for it 

But to have fun as well. 

The key to making great art is to have fun, if you're not having fun you are doing something wrong. 

Mosaic making gives you a chance to be mindful and to shift into the right hand side of the brain, where magic can happen. 

My  helper Michael was lovely and we had some good conversations about art as we unpacked everything and set everything up. 

We used grey grout because it is a neutral and it holds the colours together. 
 We werent too worried about the gaps because as a first one there is a lot to learn. As you do more you get better and better at placing the tiles evenly. But I kind of like the relaxed approach. 

Sunny fish, you see that the colours that people choose reflects their personalities.  Making art is like writing a diary. 

A splash of colour like looking at tropical fish under water. 

Angel fish are good luck omens for me and i like the idea of spreading good luck and positive vibes with mosaic making. 

 Most of these people had not tried making mosaics before so didn't they do well in three hours? 

This mosaic matched her jewellery, how clever I thought. 

Sometimes at the beginning you may not like what you have made but by the time you grout and polish it all the fish comes together gracefully. 
You have a finished piece to display ion your home or garden and that is the main thing. 

Important too is the time you spend as a group together. Look at these smiling faces, everyone is really happy including me.

If you would like to book a group mosaic project ring me on 073463435
 or 0273513887
Or email me  at and I can send you a quote for a workshop where you just turn up and  I supply everything. 

Mixed media Wood Pigeon, Fantail and Pukeko 

 This was the first time I had run this project with a group 

It is a meditative exercise like mosaic making but using cut out squares of magazine paper. 

It was a two hour workshop so for the first hour they had to look at magazines and make a composition that was pleasing. 

Cutting out and doing collage is very relaxing and meditative, The repition far from being boring is soothing. 

After the magazine tiles are placed on they are given a template. 

And the idea is that they cover up the work they have slaved over. This can be confronting. But it teaches people to let go and not hold onto their creations. 

But I am flexible so if people didn't want to cover the whole background in white then I let them keep it as they wanted. 
Again the key to being a good creativity teacher  I believe is not to micro mange but to be a facilitator. 

Look at this wonderful creation. 
It's a work in itself. 

Each little patchwork tells a story 

This is the finished fantail. You can use any silhouette. 

This lady was in raptures and is planning to extend it. I say good on you go for it. My aim is to encourage everyone's journey.

What a lovely result. 

 Bright and happy

Very representative of NZ which is full of native birds. 

The happy group at the end. 
And thanks  for the help packing up. I so enjoyed my trip tp Taupo and I hope I am invited back to teach more classes because I have over one hundred lessons to share. 

If you would like to ask me to run a mixed media workshop with your group email me at 

Phone me on 07 3463435 
Or text  0273513887

I will give you a quote. 

Creative Quote of the Day  

“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring

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