Best Photos

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Photography Tuition for Women Beginners using DSLR. 6 week course.


 Did you  take the plunge and buy your new DSLR camera and a laptop computer?

  After taking it out of the box and looking at the manual  did think how on earth do I work this?

 Were you tempted to put it back in the box and go back to your phone camera  or point and shoot because it's so much easier having everything on automatic?

If this sounds like you; welcome to my school of photography where I can help make it much easier and so much more fun  to create BEAUTIFUL photos quickly.

I have tailor made a set of  six beginner lessons that I wish I would gladly have paid for when I was first learning.

But there were none around then, (seven years ago), and there are still no others  exactly like mine now in Rotorua.

 I am offering an exclusive service of one on one  or one  to two ( bring along a friend), tuition for beginner women photographers, without the expensive price tag.

Tuesday, Wednesday and  Thursday mornings from 9.00 am to 11.00am.
All that you need is  to bring along your camera and your laptop.
We will go on a one hour photography safari in a lovely location in Rotorua.

We will then go to the nearest cafĂ©  for a cup of coffee or to my studio to download the photos you have taken and we will pick out the best ones and work out how to improve them.


I will give you some  homework in preparation for your next lesson.
These lessons are on going on a weekly basis so that we gradually develop your skills without overwhelming you.
You'll be flying with creativity in no time.

Investment is  $35.00 per hour each for two hours.
That's only $70.00 per week per person.

Gift Vouchers for Christmas  and Valentines Day available.

Hurry limited places.

Studio: 374 Clayton Road, Rotorua, New Zealand

Phone  073463435
Text 0273513887


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