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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pleasure, what is it and how important is it? Photo essay with quotes, from famous people and photos taken by Janet Keen

 Ohiwa,  Flying Man with Seagulls NZ

Become slower in your journey through life. 
Practise meditation
Visit the sea, mountains, lakes and forests
Give yourself permission to read at least one novel a month for pleasure.
 Wayne Dyer.

  Wisteria Curtains, Kuirau Park Rotorua, NZ

Gratitude is an overflow of  pleasure filling your soul
Rahel Farooq

 Rust on the Bedford,  Bennydale, King Country NZ

Draw your pleasure, paint your pleasure and express your pleasure strongly
Pierre Bonnard

   Cloud Wisps, Rotorua, NZ

Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with the truth
Samuel Johnson

   Boat Reflections, Tauranga Marina NZ

That pleasure which is at once the most pure, the most elevating and the most intense is derived from the contemplation of the beautiful.
Edgar Allen Poe

Mast Reflections at dusk Tauranga Harbour, NZ

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. 
Dale Carnegie

MacLaren Falls, Tauranga NZ

People who are not satisfied with  a little are satisfied with nothing. Epicurus

 White Island, NZ

 In the end it doesn't matter how many breaths you take, but how many moments took your breath away.
 Shing Xiong

 Flight  Over Tauranga  Marina  NZ

 How easy is it to find pleasure in a harried world? The answer is every day if you have a mind for it.

 Reflections of Flight over Tauranga Harbour, NZ

They that seldom take pleasure, give pleasure 

 More Reflections Tauranga Boat Harbour, NZ

Pleasure is the physical manifestation of Joy 
Cherie Carter Scott.

Modified reflections Boat Harbour Tauranga NZ

The greatest pleasure of life is love. 

 Frost Ngongotaha Mountain, Rotorua

Of all the seasons winter is the most conducive to the great art of dormancy. A special pleasure in itself that is too often neglected under-valued or looked down upon.
Michael Leunig 

There is an arid pleasure.

 There is an arid pleasure
As different from joy
As frost is different from dew
 Like element they are 

Yet one rejoices flowers
And one the flowers abhor
The finest honey curdled
Is worthless to the bee. 

Emily Dickensen

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