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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Vision Boards. Ask the universe you shall abundantly receive.


Vision Boards.  Ask the universe you shall abundantly receive.  

People are divided into two camps.
Those that believe in the power of vision boards to materialise success, joy, good health, love, and anything else you desire.  
And those that scoff and say “that’s too childish, I’m not doing it.”

 I believe that as an adult if you are not prepared to focus on your inner child sometimes, you are missing out on a lot of fun. 
 All work and no play make Jack and Jill dull people.

 I always encourage my pupils to make one at the start of the year so they can dream and plan.  

A simple activity like cutting out images you like from magazines or newspapers and sticking them on boards where you can see them daily are possibility magnets. 
 If you Google vision boards online you will see testimonies of people from all over the world who live by them.  
I would love to be run more paid vision board workshops for people and places so I’m going to put that on my next vision board and see what happens.

I ran a vision board workshop at a Toastmaster convention for around thirty people and all of them,   gave me glowing feedback about how much they enjoyed it.  
Some of them even emailed me later telling me how creating the vision boards had clarified their public speaking goals and reignited their desires to step out of their comfort zones.

Vision boards have a number of benefits. 
They don’t cost much to make. They are quite easy and quick to create.
 They teach people the magic of goal setting and faith.  
You don’t have to have any art experience. 
You feel plenty of pleasure cutting things out with scissors because it’s relaxing and meditative
So why not give it a try, what have you got to lose? 

Materials needed

Blank piece of A4 paper.

 Black pen or coloured felts


Pile of old magazines


Paintbrush to apply glue

A3 to A2 sized cardboard


On a piece of white paper write out five key desires.

Grab your scissors and magazines and flick through them, when an image or a word jumps out at you, cut it out.

Cut out around ten to twenty images plus words you like, depending on the size of your board

Stick them onto your board.

Cut out your five  hand written desires and place them on your board.

Don’t worry if the images and words don’t match. 

Place the board somewhere where you can see it every day

See what happens and expect some super surprises.

Creative Quote of the week

In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.

Dalai Lama

Art and mosaic classes and workshops for adults and children, Monday to Wednesday mornings and afternoons.
 Phone Janet Keen on 346-3435 or email

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