Best Photos

Monday, April 8, 2019

Impressions of Singapore

 My husband and I went on an eight day holiday in Singapore, staying in the central business district in a condominium with a pool.
 It was so humid we really needed that pool.


If  I could sum up Singapore in  four  words during Chinese New Year, it would be "lights, food, fireworks and flowers".

Every night we were treated to a feast of fireworks.

The flowers festooned every spot of exposed concrete  façade along the Highway as you travelled from the airport to the city.

 orchids and
haliconias were my favourites  

The colours of the lights at night on the water

Along with the large and long lighting displays.

Transformed the city at this time into a kaleidoscope of  romance and wonder.

The city of gardens certainly gave me some photographic images that I could manipulate into Impressionistic abstracts for years.

The water  in Singapore was abundantly flowing in a myriad of fountains throughout the city.
The taste of it was clean and  light on the tongue.
It was so soft it made my hair feel curly and feathery
Singapore imports all of its water from Malaysia.
It imports all of it's food.
And everything else.
The people are very focused on getting to where they were going. 

 I think the above photographic manipulations tells you of the essence of Singapore.
The lasting impression is of a place bursting with colour, flavour and fragrance.
The Jurong Bird park is enormous and in the humid heat it was only possible for us to stay for a couple of hours.
They had a mini train that transported you around the place which made it easier.


 The Flamingos were the brightest shade of pink that I have ever seen in a bird.

Due to  the humidity we did not  cover as many  tourist places as we would have like to because it was necessary to go home each day after a couple of hours and have at least two swims aand a mid afternoon nap.

 I am grateful for what we had and I am planning our next overseas adventure.

We should have booked for fourteen days to do it  justice.

Creative Quote:
Singapore is one of the greatest places in the world
Henry Golding.


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