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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Commmunity Yarn Bombing Day at Greerton village , Tauranga , New Zealand.

Angie Belcher with her children's book, The Farm Yard Idol,  performing with her child characters in front of the Greerton Library, during the Yarn bomb festival last Saturday.

What a fabulously creative way to involve your audience.
Dress them up as characters in your book with quirky hats.

The children and the audience loved it.
 Angie bought her book to life and gave the children valuable performance experience in a fun and interactive way 

 The message of the book is really lovely  and inclusive.
The illustrations were really colourful and exciting.

The hats were beautifully made.
Because of their simplicity it made it easy and inviting for children to participate.  

There was plenty of laughter and you could see every child face was engaged. 
 Everyone  lit up because Angie was so enthusiastic. 
You could tell she loved performing and being with the children.

 Seeing adults dress up is always fun for children.
Her dramatic joie de vivre was contagious.

That's what it's all about with competitions in life as far as I'm concerned. 

 Competing  in  anything and having fun while doing it is the key.
Whether it be art,  photography, Toastmasters speeches, poetry and short story competitions; all of which I  make a practise to regularly enter.
It's all about the participation and doing your best.
 You learn so much while getting out of your comfort zone. 

As a child I was bought up to believe that there is no point going into a competition if you aren't going to win.
To fail was to be ashamed.
Consequently I did not compete in very much and grew to really be scared and despise competition. This is not good for development.

So Angie's message is so important.

Too many people don't want to have a go because they are concerned they won't win.
While it's nice to win we can't gain first place all the time  and you will learn a lot by putting yourself through challenges. 
The journey is the important thing.

 If you get into the habit of competing with yourself it is a lot less stressful than aggressively pitting yourself against others. 

 Have a go, enjoy the journey because you are all winners. 

I certainly agree with her message because I think it promotes healthy self -esteem and mental resilience
 The importance of learning through having fun is paramount.

Creative quote.
The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity. Deepak Chopra 

  Greerton Yarn Bomb Highlights.

All the trees

                          were decorated
 with hand knitted and crocheted

Characters from  

     children's books


Charlottes Web one of my favourite Children's fiction books, I bought a new copy of it a couple of years ago.

Cat in the Hat Character poses with Jing.
 What a wonderful business this guy has.

and me ( Janet)
 I love being around people who are living their creative dreams. 
It is so compelling and motivating.

Keep up the inspiring work are a winner in my books.

All photographs copy right and available for sale.
 I welcome enquiries.

What a fun day.

  More to come in the next post about the Steam Punk people we met.

Mosaic and Painting classes Mondays to Wednesdays for Adults from 9.30am to 11.30am
At 374 Clayton Road, Rotorua
 Mosaic garden and art Studio

 Mosaic, painting and book illustrating and Writing Classes for kids and teenagers. Mondays and Wednesdays after school.
Enrolling for term 3 now.

Phone 073463435 to  inquire about enrolling
or to inquire about photographic tuition.
Private lessons and English as a second language classes.


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