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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Beginners Paint Pouring classes using Resene Testpots. Suitable for children and adults.


 Resene testpots: 

Selection of red, green, blue, white, yellow,  black, orange, teal and  purple. 

It doesn't really matter what colours you choose  just have a go with the combinations you like.

 You can't possibly repeat exactly the patterns here because paint pouring is random. 

Put a teaspoon of each colour into  6  small plastic shot cups. 

About 6 colours per work. 

Three drops of Flotrol in each cup.

Two drops of sewing machine oil in each cup. 

Mix up  briefly with a wooden stick. 

Pour over block of wood half of each colour in the cup in random ways.

Along  one of the sides pour a line of white Resene in a straight line. 

Grab a paper towel put the edge of it on top of the paint and slide it over the colours on the board. 

You will see a whole pile of cells form. 

Grab another 20 by 20 piece of wood and repeat doing a different random pour. . 

I had children as young as 5 doing these. 

They loved them. 
Adults had a go as well. 

The people named them and wrote short poems about them. 

I think they look like aerial landscapes. 

Resene testpots are my paints of choice. 

 Paint Pouring is all the rage. 

This is the display of them  I  have in the studio.  

This serves as a sample board to show people the possibilities of paint pouring. 

As you can see I've used all sorts of Resene testpot colours. 

My colours tend to be more subdued than childrens. 

 You can cut out shapes, in this case fig leaves and pour colours over them. 

This lends itself to hundreds of ideas. 

make a shape and pour on it. 


Have a look  at videos online. 

You can do hundreds of different techniques. 

I use this technique because its simple, effective and works every time in terms of good cell making. 

I am running classes on paint pouring, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for adults. 

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for children. 

Ring 0273513887 for class details and prices. 


Creative Quote of the day 
 If you hear a voice inside you saying  
 you cannot paint, by all means paint and that voice will be silenced. Vincent Van Gogh

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