Thursday, May 15, 2014

Baptist Church Rotorua Cross by Janet Keen .

  This is the cross that the Baptist church bought off me for their reception area.
It looks really good there because it co-ordinates with their colour scheme.

They have put my card next to it which is really nice of them.
 I had occasion to visit the cross because my friend Robyn invited me to their Alpha course last Thursday night which was held in their hall.
 I went along and had the most amazing pumpkin soup, chicken roast and date steamed pudding I have ever had in my life.
It was all free.
I couldn't believe it.
I am still dreaming about that food.
Those people are the most amazing cooks.
I would like to work with other churches making crosses and running children's spiritual art classes.
If any  Rotorua church people are reading this feel free to contact me regarding a quotation to run a workshop or make you a cross.
Phone Janet Keen 346-3435

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