Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Celebrate Spring at Kuirau Park market on Saturday mornings in Rotorua, New Zealand.

 To celebrate spring I took my husband Graham to Kuirau Park to eat samosas.
 We usually eat them with our feet paddling in the warm thermal foot baths but they were cold. 

But we still had a good time walking and eating. 
I love the vegetarian samosas.

 He loves the meat ones. 
 We go to the first stand you come to when you approach the park from the entrance nearest the hospital, because we  think they are nicer. 
 We also buy fruit and veges.

 People offer to pose for me or I ask them.  I like to see families out together having fun. 

 When you think about your own childhood the happy times that stand out are when you are going on family outings together and doing  fun things like eating. 
My favourites were picnicing and pine cone collecting in the country near lakes. 
Camping and koura hunting at Kinloch were always good times. 

I met this person a few weeks after she emailed me after reading one of my articles in the  Rotorua Weekender about my Australian wild life adventures.

What an attractive display of vegetable soaps she has.

Her sister rescues wild life in Queensland. 
She gave me a lavender soap which was very nice.

 I also took photos of people who visited her stand. 

 She introduced me to other stand people.

And other stall holders like the popcorn man introduced themselves. 
He gives out free handfuls of popcorn as testers. 

 Then we went for a walk around the park looking for Spring Flowers. 

 Magnificent magnolia's are in the Kuirau park surrounding the market.

 I think the council do a really good job of all our flower beds  and gardens in Rotorua. 
We are lucky to have a council who are so supportive of the beautiful gardens.
This is one of the reasons we have won most beautiful city in New Zealand awards for a number of years. 

 This bridge has a Wisteria draped over it and is stunning when it comes out
 I will be back to photograph it then. 
 So watch this space. 

The swallow are flying all around here at the moment collecting mud for their nests.
 It's hard to get a good shot of them because they are such quick flyers. 
   Celebrate Spring everyone
 Eat nice food go for walks and appreciate nature at this time.

 Celebrate spring with me by coming to a drop in art class for a couple of hours Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday mornings. from 9.30 am. 
Make a mosaic flower for your garden with a special class. 
Phone 346-34535 
or email

Never cut a tree down in the wintertime.
 Never make a negative decision in the low time. 
Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. 
Be patient.
 The storm will pass. 
The spring will come. Robert H. Schuller

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