Members of the Mamaku Donkey Rescue, Rehoming Centre are a small dedicated group who are Trustees of the Donkey and Mule Protection Trust and also members of the Donkey and Mule Society, working with SPCA and the Ministry of Primary Industries.
Pauline with Chester
The Centre was started by Pauline Sainsbury in 2008.
It is located on her property and is used for donkeys in need, donkeys in re-hab and also serves as a sanctuary for donkeys who are not re-homeable due age, health or behaviour issues.
Pauline with Chester
It is located on her property and is used for donkeys in need, donkeys in re-hab and also serves as a sanctuary for donkeys who are not re-homeable due age, health or behaviour issues.
In the beginning Pauline was rescuing and re-homing donkeys on her own.
She then joined the Donkey and Mule Society and became friends with the late Jenny Parker who was Rotorua's area representative.
In 2009 Pauline was invited to be a Trustee for the Donkey and Mule Protection Trust and joined up with the late Elton Moore from Putaruru and Alan Baguley from Whakatane.
Mamaku Donkey RRC works closely with the Trust and the number of rescued and re-homed donkeys have increased markedly.
So far over two hundred and fifty donkeys have gone through the centre with five donkeys remaining permanently

Four donkeys together are left to right
Pauline has four donkeys of her own and Alan has two.
People give up their donkeys for various reasons including selling their lifestyle blocks and moving to retirement villages, ill health, lost interest, inability to manage them or a desire to find them a new loving home.
The Centre does not re-home entire jacks (stallions) as they can turn nasty, especially when a jenny (female) is in season.
When the centre is asked to pick up entire jacks they are gelded (castrated) on the owners property or at the centre.
When the centre is asked to pick up entire jacks they are gelded (castrated) on the owners property or at the centre.
With lots of TLC and training they make lovely pets.
Janet with Ester and Suzi

Pauline's hand on Chester with Milo looking on
All donkeys are registered with the Donkey and Mule Society and are now being micro-chipped.
Donkeys normally come in twos and re-homed as a pair because they should not be split up after they have bonded.
Some donkeys are in such a poor way, they remain in rehab for up to a year before being re-homed.
During this time there are numerous costs including hay, vet bills, worming pastes, halters, leads, ropes, hard feed and covers etc
Janet with two white donkeys, Ester and Suzi
Donkeys make marvellous pets
Like all animals donkeys need a good diet of hay, prefer rough pasture and need to be provided with waterproof shelters.
Unlike horses their coats are not waterproof.
Unlike horses their coats are not waterproof.
They need a farrier to trim their hooves every six to eight weeks, they need to be wormed and have an equine dentist to check their teeth every two years.
When re-homing donkeys Mamaku RRC visit the potential new owners, inspect their property to ensure it is "donkey safe" and try to match donkeys to compatible people.
Endearing Monty looking over the gatePauline and Alan trial the donkeys at their new homes for three months, visit and offer support and advice.
If they, the donkeys and the potential owners are happy change of ownership and registration is transferred.
Some people like to foster donkeys which is fine.
If the foster parents' circumstances change the donkeys can always come back to Mamaku RCC
Ester and daughter Missy really look like twins
They take their donkeys to schools, kindergartens, church events, rest homes and even children's wards in hospitals.
Milo the grey donkey
All donkeys are registered with the Donkey and Mule Society and are now being micro-chipped.
Donkeys normally come in twos and re-homed as a pair because they should not be split up after they have bonded.
Donkeys are very affectionate they are often touching each other and people who visit them.
They are adorable.
The gentle, kind, caring soulful eyes of Bella
Mamaku Donkey Rescue, Rehoming Centre and Sanctuary is based at
896 B, State Highway 5, Tarukenga, RD2, Rotorua.
Enquiries and donations please Phone: 027 698 5262
Textures on old farm building
Textures of old farm bricks
Magnificent rhyolite domes.
Want to know more about the donkeys at Mamaku Donkey Rescue, Rehoming Centre and Sanctuary ?
Then contact Pauline and her team.
027 698 5262
If you have a lifestyle block and would like to own or foster donkeys.
If you would like to help save donkeys lives in New Zealand by donating money for their keep.
If you would like to follow the lives of the donkeys in rehab at the centre.
Every donkey arriving at Mamaku Donkey RRC comes with their own fascinating story.
Contact us and come for a visit
Mamaku Donkey Rescue, Rehoming Centre and Sanctuary
896 B, State Highway 5, Tarukenga, RD2, Rotorua.
Enquiries and donations please Phone: 027 698 5262
Rosie, Milo, Nibby and Chester will be waiting to see you.
Creative Quotes of the day
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." ― Martin Buber
How it is that animals understand things I do not know, but it is certain that they do understand. Perhaps there is a language which is not made of words and everything in the world understands it. Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything and it can always speak, without even making a sound, to another soul." ― Frances Hodgson Burnett
896 B, State Highway 5, Tarukenga, RD2, Rotorua.
Enquiries and donations please Phone: 027 698 5262
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