Saturday, October 6, 2012

TEDS Talk u-tube videos, give yourself a burst of creativity from watching these before you go to bed at night.

 This is my latest creativity tip.
 Before you go to bed tonight, Google  TED talks, ideas worth spreading.
Find out all about this organisation, view some of the U-Tube Videos.

 My favourite one on creativity is from John Cleese. That guy is  still hilarious.

Sleep on it and all those wonderful ideas will work in your subconscious and help with your dreams.

It only takes about 15 minutes.

 I know  will be successful in growing my creative business to greater heights because I am believing in the power of positivity.

  Me with two of my October school holiday mosaic pupils. So well behaved, so artistic.

If you live in a  provincial town  at the bottom of the world like me it's a challenge to come into contact with people who are charismatic, famous and inspiring on a world changing level.
 But watching these videos on my ipad in bed makes me feel like they are in my house.
It's magic. 

Lovely group of young people with their fish mosaic projects and me with one of my mosaic birds with vintage china and white grout, October school holidays.

This weekend I was talking some senior experienced members of the  Camera club about wanting to do a grid of photos,  but not knowing how to do it.  One person gave me a lesson over the phone about doing it in photoshop and another one told me about Picassa.
 I spent the whole day experimanting, when I probably should have been weeding my garden because i have some bus tours coming on soon to see my mosaic garden. 

Here are two attempts.

Toitoi at Ohiwa Harbour New Zealand

Beach at Opotike just on dusk .most beautiful part of  New Zealand for an idylic,  quiet and unspoilt beach holiday. 

Also this weekend I went to another Camera Club person's house and organised my Haiku and Photography calendar for 2013. 
They are twelve of my favourite photos with associated  haiku .
 I usually give these to family, friends and clients. 

I have a lot of really nice friends at the Rotorua Camera Club. I appreciate their help. it's great to all  be on a creative journey together.

The cherry trees are all out at the moment so I photographed a lot of them and will continue before they lose their petals.

Creative Quotes of the day
When we engage in what we are naturally suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is play that stimulates creativity.” –  Linda Naiman

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda

All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.” — Albert Camus

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Creativity Queen, Janet Keen, dare to be different

 Before you start to think what is this crazy New Zealand artist  woman up to now I'd just like to let you know I haven't gone completely mad by interviewing myself.
I am experimenting with different types of writing formats because I think a Q and A session is highly readable.
What do you think?
 Am I right or am I right?

Do you think experience counts for anything when you teach art? 
.I have been art teaching in Rotorua now for the past thirteen years.
 In that time I would have taught hundreds of people in Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty a large variety of creative and artistic techniques.
As long as I keep learning I am inspired so I can inspire my pupils.

Do you think qualifications are important when teaching art to others?
I have attended the University of Waikato and studied towards a Degree in English and Politics.
 I spent four years studying full time at Waiariki Institute of  Technology for a Visual Arts Diploma.
If  you study at a tertraly institution there is no going back.
You are introduced to a word that is magical and compelling and so deep and intricate that it could engage and entertain you for the whole of your life.
I would love to go back to art school full time in Wellington and do a Masters in Art.

Have you attended
 I have attended over 100 different night classes and out of town art and craft workshops by professionals.
When I worked full time for the Daily Post for twelve years, prior to switching to an art career full time, I  took night classes most terms.
Consequently there  not a lot of techniques I don't know how to do.
If   I'm not sure it's fairly easy for me to work it out.
 I had a lot of good teachers, some of who became friends afterwards. 

Clients first portrait of her father

Oil Painting first time

Clients first portrait

Do you think it's important to have a teaching qualification when deciding to teach people art?
Yes I  think that if you do a Certificate in Adult Teaching you realise it's different from teaching children.
When Picasso said that All children are artists and the problem is how to reamain one once you grow up,  he was so right.
It's important as an art teacher for me  to really like the people  I am  teaching and to not be doing it just for the money.
Teaching is a vocation and a calling, if you are not suited to it, it will destroy your soul.
Teaching always enriches mine.
I like it as much as doing my own work.

I have a lot of clients who come to me later in life, yearning to be artists but who were put off it by some  art teacher who didn't like their work.
This is unfortunate.
I remember at school from an early age teachers wrote on my report card that I  was very expressive and creative.
I loved school and never wanted to leave it.
As a teacher I believe you have a duty to be open minded and affirming about other peoples styles.
Art styles are personal things and every person has an area of interest that needs to be validated.

                       Clients contemplating 

Another clients mixed media whimsical painting, angels are  big in my studio.

Of course children are a pleasure to teach, they are just delightful.
They are enthusiastic and full of confidence and they love the paintings and mosaics they take away from my studio.
 I only teach children who want to learn, are well behaved and  in very small classes so it's a lot easier than teaching 30 children in one class, like in most schools.
I really admire the stamina and dedication of teachers and Principals  in schools, it's certainly not an easy option in life.
I don't teach the same sort of art that they teach schools and the children are given choices.
 No two artworks look the same from people in my class.
I don't have any children of my own so it's easy for me to really appreciate other peoples.
I always find their conversation wondrous and they  give me good ideas for my own work.
Children who are interested in attending my art and mosaic classes are often wise and sensitive.
 I treat them like real artists and set up exhibitions for them and tell them about opportunities to further their studies.
Do you have to have special attributes to be a good adult  Art Teacher? 
 Encouragement and entusiasm are key.
Many adults lack confidence in their mark making ability and sometimes they are unnecessarily critical about their own work.
This can get in the way of their enjoyment so they have to be gently encouraged to let go.
Sometimes you listen to people telling you all sorts of things about their lives as creativity allows them to access their emotions.
You need to be trustworthy, sensitive and to never gossip about what people have told you.
 In some ways you need to be an entertainer as well because adults are coming along for pleasure to relieve the stress of their busy working and parenting lives.

 One of my mixed media angel paintings

Is it important as an art teacher to be committed to educating yourself and finding out new artistic techniques and interests? 
Yes definitley.
Who needs to be stale?
 I am part way through a Diploma in Digital Photography  the moment with the Southern Institute of Technology.
Those tutors are hard markers and can be quite critical and you have to toughen up or you will become discouraged and not complete the assignments.
Photography is fascinating to me and more complicated than you think to master.
Going out with my camera most days has helped me with my art and my art training has helped me with my photography.
 I am starting to win awards now but it has taken me two years to do and even now I have so much more to learn.
Award winning photo of mine

Is it important to encourage others in your community to be creative?
Yes I believe it is because a creative community is a happier community.
 I believe if more people are happy living here it will be better off for everyone spiritually, physically and emotionally. 
Setting goals and taking time out to be creative definitley helps with happiness.

What about people wanting free advice?
When you are a professional artist and teacher you need to focus on bringing in money so that you can pay your bills, buy other artists books and work, go to conferences and feel a sense of achievement.
Sometimes aspiring artists or art teachers want to know all about  running an art business and all manner of other personal things from me. 

 I offer professional practise packages to these people which I tailor make to each one.

Any advice for a new person wanting to start out? 
In this economoc climate, "don't give up your day job"
If you really must strive to be a professional, do a small busnesss management course at the Wanaga or Waiariki.
It's not an easy option and the lack of a regular income can be of a concern. .
Above all have fun, have faith and try to remember it's not all about the money, if it was, you'd be better sticking to your day job.

Any trends?
  Lots more people seem to be taking painting and craft making  up and trying to make money from it as a supplement to their day jobs or in place of their day jobs. 
Baby Boomers and empty nesters are wanting to fulfill themselves creatively so they are having a go at fulfilling their long awaited dream of expressing themselves. 
Younger people are forming groups through the internet and there is a craft boom among the trendy sets in big cities. Stitch and bitch clubs are sprouting up everywhere
Pop up sart galleries are everywhere in big cities.
Grafitti art and stenciling is big.
Investment art is holding its own in some cases.
The internet is spawning a raft of talented creative entrepreneurs.

Do you teach photography or make money from it? 
 I do offer to  take women  from out of town and overseas on photographic safari's around Rotorua and I do take beginner photography sessions for women for negotiable prices.
I don't make an income from my photography by selling it  because it is a hobby and I want to fully enjoy and explore it.
I do have regular photography  exhibitions  in the Rotorua Public Library.

How important is it to view what other artists and teachers in your area are doing? 
 It's important to go along to their exhibitions and support them by buying their work if you like it.
 I have a reasonably large collecton of other artists work that I  have paid for.
The three Rotorua artists work I have collected (first names) are Hayley, April and Debbie.
The rest of the work is from all over New Zealand.
I specialise in mostly collecting women artist works, although I  have three works by Nick Fedaeff that I adore.
 I would like to meet this guy in person one day.

What do you think about copying  other Rotorua artists work or teaching topics? 
I consulted an expert marketer about ten years ago and she said to me look at what everyone else in your community is doing and offer something different.
Don't be a sheep, be a leader.

How important is it to offer something unique for your pupils? 
My  lessons are different to what others are teaching and I  plan to keep them fresh because I have access to cutting edge mixed media work, through my collection of  internationally reknowned books.
I like to encourage students to buy art books because it supports the industry.
I also like to encourage them to collect other artists work and to attend exhibitions.

Are  there any Rotorua artists or teachers that you admire and have learned from? 
Debbie Thyne from Wairaiki Institute of  Technology was always very encouraging and she really knew her subject and made art lectures interesting.
 I have exhibited with her in group exhibitions in the past.

George Andrews from Waiariki  was always good value and taught me everything I know about ceramics and sculpture. I have exhibited with him in the past as well.

 Pastel Artist Maxine Thompson is an  example of a switched on artistic businesswoman.
 She knows exactly where she is going and what her product is.
She doesn't get into undercutting other professional artists or copying them.
She is highly skilled in her craft and she teaches all over New Zealand and Australia.

I took a workshop with her a couple of years ago doing realistic pastel animals.
 Realism is not really my style, I'd rather take a photo than slave over something trying to make it look absolutley perfect.
 However  I made myself do it and came I up with this drawing of my cat.
I did have fun but it was also exacting work.
Notice his nose is wonky, I like that.

 Personality Type
I often  feel like I want to break out and be free of constraints.
I have a need to be around inspiring, spiritual and uplifting people.
I'm a bit of a free spirit, if I was an animal I'd like to be a cat or a bird.

Creativity Quote of the day
“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced” – Vincent Van Gogh

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rotorua Artist Janet Keen, Rotorua Artist, Janet Keen, Rotorua Artist, Janet Keen, Rotorua Artist Janet Keen.

all the way from Rotorua New Zealand, volcanic heartland. 

Latest fine art photography exhibition, Rotorua Public Library. 

Just a few of the people I have taught and events I have been involved with ...

Mosaic with Bonnie, all the way from America.


Joss, all the way from National Park central north island in the snow.

           Tarquin and Roman, all the way from Rerewhakaiatu

Nadia and her Hippo, all the way from Holland.

After school pupil Kyle Burling loves trucks, all the way from Rotorua.

Families art workshops, all the way from America

  And more of this  lovely, intelligent, talented family


Ruby all the way from Rotorua

Debbie all the way from Rotorua

Debbie's exhibition pieces, yes I even organise exhibitions for my regular pupils.

This was in Essence Cafe all the way on Ngongotaha.

Moira, all the way from England.

I teach beginners to advanced, realistic to abstract. 

 You name it I cover it.

Lynette all the way from the lake front

This was Lynettes first portrait of her mother, amazing. 

I have an easy peasy,  portrait lesson that guarantees good likenesses, even if you are a first time painter.

School pupils, murals and paver projects. All the way from Te Kuiti.

Miles, all the way from Australia.

After school, holiday and weekend workshops of animal mosaics for kids and adults.

Lisa's first portrait, this is a beginner artist, my lessons ensure success as long as people are prepared to put the effort in and be patient.

  All the way from Japan 

You'd be surprised how many different nationalities seem to make their way to my studio door. 

You could almost call me an international school.

At the moment I have Chinese, Japanese South African, American, Maori, Indian and Dutch pupils.

It's great to get to know other cultures.

 I have recently put in a Japanese peace garden and my next one will be Chinese. 

I am hoping to go to China this year with my husband when he has to go for his work. 

John Paul College student, John all the way from Ngakuru

I have taught many Catholics over the years. 

Maybe the reason for this is that Catholics are exposed to a lot of amazing artwork in churches so they have a highly  developed appreciation for it. 

 Kyle has won numerous awards since being taught by me for the past 10 years.


I have taught a surprising number of boys and we have had a great time, my lessons can be tailor-made to anyone's interests.

 I have taught a surprising number of teachers  who are excellent learners and brilliant  team workers. 

Look at this collage done with gold leaf and plaster, very imaginative. 

If you give a person encouragement and tools they can really do some very creative work.


 I  teach painting techniques from bright 

(Hilary loves really bright landscapes) 

To  low key colours.

Heather prefers subdued and monochromatic hues.

As an artist I  need to versatile because things change rapidly and  don't want to get stuck in a time warp. 

 I spend as much as 60 per cent of my time on marketing,  getting my name out there and having exhibitions to showcase my work. 


My aim is to have everyone in Rotorua knowing who I am because if people know and like me, they will work with me.

 I learned this from super networker Debra Bell when I attended her workshops on networking a number of years ago.

Evelyn with the start of her landscape work in Autumn tones. 

I spend a lot of time on the computer writing press releases and letting people know what I'm up to on facebook.  

 Laura and Heidi . 

These girls came to me from the internet, all the way from America and Holland.

 Lovely positive, young and risk taking attitudes.

 This is their very first landscape work.

If you want to reach young people you have to have a strong computer presence. 

This is Jenny Argante (far right) my  former writing mentor, she is originally all the way from England.

She has introduced me to loads of people all the way from Tauranga.

She bought these Canadian Writers over to my studio for lunch one day.

 She has commissioned me to do two mosaics and a cover for a book.


 It's about believing that there is a bigger picture being painted for you and it will all be ok as long as you have faith and just keep on hitting that ball. 

This year I have been focusing on attending Photography workshops. Why do you think I'm doing this? 

It's because artists of the future will need to be competent in photography and videography if they want to market themselves successfully on the web.

I have met some absolutely incredible photographers. 

 Without exception they have been some of the nicest most positive and flexible  people I have ever met in my life. 

I belong to the Rotorua Camera club and I  just love it.

I also belong to the Tokoroa Camera Club as well, they are also a great bunch .

Have a happy day and always remember that I am available to service your creative needs whenever you feel like contacting me. 

No idea too big.

Email me on

Creative Quotes of the day

“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.  The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
-Ralph W. Sockman
 Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.''
-Corrie Ten Boom

"You've got to follow your passion.  You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are.  And have the courage to do that.  I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dream."
-Oprah Winfrey
