Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pet, Plant and Person Photographic Portraiture by Janet Keen

If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude then animals are better off than a lot of humans. 
James Herriot.

Meet the lovely  Toffee


 and Teddy

The eye is the window of the soul, the mouth the door. 
The intellect and the will are seen in the eye; the emotions, sensibilities and affections, in the mouth.
 The animals look for man's intentions right into his eyes.
 Even a rat, when you hunt him and bring him to bay, looks you in the eye. Hiram Powers, American sculptor (1805 - 1873)

Flowers always make people feel better, happier and more helpful, they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank.

Trees and plants always look like the people they live with somehow.
Zora Neale Hurston

Goats possess individual character, intelligence, and capacity for affection which can only be matched by the dog. 
 Having once become acquainted with them I would as soon farm without a dog as without a goat. –David Mackenzie, Farmer in the Western Isles

Meet Murdoch

Dogs are not our whole life but they make our life whole. 
Roger Caras

Time spent with cats or dogs is never wasted.
Sigmund Freud.



Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened. Anatole France.

Thanks to Jurgen and Kay Giess for a beautiful experience with their animals and garden on Saturday.

For workshops  in mosaics, painting, photography, creative writing and vision board making book your time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. 
Weekend Workshops by arrangement. 
Garden viewing for groups, by arrangement. 

Phone (07)346-3435
 374 Clayton Road, 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to be happy

This year I feel absolutely amazing and not in the least bit sad. 
I'm sure this is because I left Rotorua, New Zealand for two weeks to the beautiful heart shaped country of spell binding, Tasmania. 
Everyone there was upbeat, focused, engaged and energised. 
I wanted to bottle that and bring it back with me. 

 Rule number one: Surround yourself with positive people. 

A  piece of that gorgeous country with its pure air, unbelievably soft and caring people and the crystal water that made my skin and hair feel like feathers, are all inside me.
 I need to share more photos of that place while the magic is still in me. 

Rule Number two: Get walking out amongst nature and travel out of your own country as often as you can.

Of course there are forces back here, that could be trying to pull you back down and swallow  you  into the bubbling mud.  
But I am making a pact that this year I'm going to rise above it like steam. I'm over it.
And that means all year. 

Rule number three. If you fall off the horse get immediately  up on top of it and focus on your passion 
  I'm just going to attract decent, supportive, open minded and lovely art and mosaic loving people into my life.
I'm ging to remember to be grateful for what I have and not hanker after what I could have had.

Rule number four: Do a protection spell around yourself  or if you are religious say a prayer every day before you go into a public place. 

Rule number five: Feel empathy for others but don't buy into their games. 
Try to remember if they are in a grumpy mood or if they ignore you it's probably not about you, it's about them. 
If it is about you and they don't tell you what's wrong; it's none of your business. 
Even if they do tell you what's wrong and they want you to alter your behaviour and this doesn't fit with your purpose;  don't buy into it. 
Your place is not to be manipulated.

Rule number six: Speak your truth without being offensive.

Let your light shine so others can  as well. 

Have faith and be proud but not arrogant.
Hiding your light under a bushel, especially if you are a woman, never did anyone any good. 
Be a tall poppy and rejoice and encourage everyone you come across to have a passion for something bigger than themselves. 

Encourage others to have hope. 

Creative Quote of the week 
There is no passion to be found playing small or in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living
Nelson Mandela

If you are married give your husband or wife a kiss and a hug every morning and every night, look into their eyes and say I love and appreciate you. 

If you arent married, hug your cat or dog. 

Phone 073463435
txt 0273513887
For mosaic and painting class details. 
Be happy and fly with creativity today, you deserve it.

Step by Step Whimsical Houses, By Janet Keen, Creativity Queen

 Step 1
Cut out house shapes with a jigsaw or handsaw or scroll saw. 

Hint: Raid your husband's wood pile he will never know a few blocks are missing.

Step 2: 
 Sand around all edges and faces of blocks.

Step 3
Coat gesso or Resene Quick Dry undercoat on all surfaces.

Step 4
Give a light sand when dry.

 Step 5
Tear our pages of old books or newspapers. 
Tear into small pieces. 
Step 6
Glue onto blocks, coveringall sides
Dry off with hairdryer. 

Step 8
Water down some undercoat or gesso and paint a light coat over top of newspaper when dry. 

Step 9. 
Dry off with hairdryer.

 Step 10
 Draw on rough guide line of doors and windows.

 Step 11
Use Resene red testpot colours, (two shades) and paint in rooves

Step 12
Get some old  music sheets or some contrasting paper and glue in windows.


Step 13
Get some stickers and stick on

Step 14
Glue on a cross

Step 15
Use a fine line black felt pen and draw around the windows.

Step 16
Spray with matt varnish 

Give one away to someone special or someone random

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

After school painting and mosaic classes, Monday to Wednesday and Friday, 3.30pm to 5.00pm, enrolling now

 This is Anneke  first day back.
 She is so keen she wanted to come before school started. 
This is the type of pupil, I specialise in teaching. 
They are born artists.
 They love to draw every day. 
They have commitment and drive. 
My classes encourage them to soar with whatever their goals are artistically.
As long as they have the right attitude to their creativity they are welcome in my class. 
And we always have fun
So enrol your special child today 
Call 07 346-3435 
Please call for an interview to see if your child likes the look of my studio classroom. 
Numbers small and all people produce work to hang on their walls, like a real artist. 

Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after school from 3.30 to 5pm. 
Class is an hour long and homework is an option
 I recommend they have a visual diary and photograph their work towards portfolio's. 
374 Clayton Road.
New Zealand 


The Secret, Daily Teachings.

From The Secret Daily Teachings 

If you have a problem with anyone who is negative, begin by writing a list of all the things you appreciate about that person. Remember to include gratitude to them for giving you a great desire for positivity in your life; because that is a gift they are giving you.

As you focus with all of your strength on appreciation, you will not only reduce your exposure to the negativity, but at the same time you will be attracting positive people into your life.
Worth a go don't you think?

Let us greet each other with a smile for a smile is the beginning of love 
Mother Teresa

Friday, January 24, 2014

Mini Feathered Bird Sculptures by contemporary Rotorua, New Zealand Artist, Janet keen

I made these birds for my last DIY article in last Saturdays Rotorua Daily Post. 

I also made a range of feathered water colour cards for my clients and pupils wishing them a Happy New Year.

Here are some pics of birds in progress.  
 I am going to put them in my white painted tree.  

This is a partially completed feathered bird. 

 And the other one. 
They should be finished soon and I will post more pictures.

After school painting and mosaic classes, Monday to Wednesday and Fridays from 3.30pm to 5.00pm
Lessons $25.00 per person per hour including materials.
Enrolling now for February. 
Small classes.
Email or phone (07)346-3435