Saturday, May 17, 2014

Graffiti Art in Rotorua with Janet and Jing

Art is all around you and if you just go adventuring and keep an open mind as to what art is and how it speaks to you.
You will be blessed

Jing and I found this place while going on one of our early morning Rotorua walks and we stayed for around an hour photographing it and each other


 The street art  had erupted like a volcano out of the  bones of a  crumbling building

It was a bursting riot of joy and menace.
 I   felt as though I was on a movie set or a stage.
The place was charged with  testosterone and protest. 
Twirling colours reminded me of an 80's disco nightclub I used to visit in Melbourne filled with coloured, spinning lights.
The urge to perform made me feel like some ancient tribal woman making a connection with the earth
 I wanted to bring some music  along and do some dancing with some bubbles.

I  could imagine being a break dancer in a Michael Jackson video  or  a stalking feline in a scene from  Cats

The young artists had created their own version of Plein air painting with spray cans.
The  bush and nearby stream, pocketed with pools of steam seeped into their raw and urgent hyroglyphics

  The concrete was dinosaur skeleton
Jing focused on the joy  of the adventure

Going with different people on a photographic safari is a spiritual experience.
Who you are with influences the photographs on a number of levels.

You open yourself up when you take photos so you capture and absorb the energy of the people and the atmosphere  around you.


If you are open to the muse

 magic happens and you begin

flowering and flowing with the vibe of the vegetation the crumbling decay and the chaos of the space 

The spirits of the people who have created the display dance with you

If you search for them, crosses and totem poles

are everywhere.

They could represent cross roads we face during life's journeys.  

If  we pause, listen and appreciate the present moment the spirits and angels will  speak to us and guiding us towards a life of true bliss

We can  find the key to happiness and love

in places that we wouldn't expect if we just close out eyes, listen to what our minds are telling us  and  taking  some deep breaths.  

Thank you to Jing for making the morning such a special one and for contributing to the photographic adventure.

If you would like to come to my studio to free yourself up and make your own version of graffiti art to take home, call me and we can arrange a time for you to come in for a couple of hours.

Phone 346-3435 or email  to book your special time.

I am being super flexible with times and availability in June so I am running classes on Monday and Tuesday nights and Saturdays as well as my usual Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday mornings and after school classes.
 This is so that people who are working can have opportunities to be creative.

No class sizes too small or big.
Pay per time for a couple of hours so you can have a taster to see if you like it.

Beginners acrylic painting workshops, 
Beginners abstract painting workshops,
Beginners pop art painting workshops

Phone Janet Keen on 346-3435 or email now  
Work in a studio with a real  Rotorua artist, be surrounded by vibrant paintings, mosaics and photographs,  with lots of books and a warm cosy atmosphere.
15 years teaching experience in Rotorua and throughout New Zealand and Australia.
Diploma in Visual Art and Bachelor of Arts.
 Kind and caring, tailor made lessons.
 See my articles in the Rotorua Daily Post under the title of  Creativity Queen Janet Keen
Creative Quote of the day

“Every hour you are not going after your passion, making

your dreams a reality or defining your purpose

is an hour you can't get back. Is what you're doing right now,

this day, this moment getting you closer to

where you want to be?
If not, readjust your focus. It's your future. Go get it!” 
 Elizabeth Bourgeret


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Baptist Church Rotorua Cross by Janet Keen .

  This is the cross that the Baptist church bought off me for their reception area.
It looks really good there because it co-ordinates with their colour scheme.

They have put my card next to it which is really nice of them.
 I had occasion to visit the cross because my friend Robyn invited me to their Alpha course last Thursday night which was held in their hall.
 I went along and had the most amazing pumpkin soup, chicken roast and date steamed pudding I have ever had in my life.
It was all free.
I couldn't believe it.
I am still dreaming about that food.
Those people are the most amazing cooks.
I would like to work with other churches making crosses and running children's spiritual art classes.
If any  Rotorua church people are reading this feel free to contact me regarding a quotation to run a workshop or make you a cross.
Phone Janet Keen 346-3435

Creative mosaic fish pupil

Isiah is a lovely young man who comes to my studio twice a week for an hour to paint and make mosaics.

 He has a flair for drawing and is extremely creative.

 Isiah says that making art in my classroom makes him feel happy.
We chat about all sorts of interesting arty things as well as talking about uplifting topics like how we are going to make a million bucks.
I often read him his angel cards and sometimes we see what the tarot cards have to say.

 It's just a bit of fun but we also use them as tools to goal set and to think positively .

I relate well to teenagers and have a number of them who come in for private lessons.
Making art can be  good for peace of mind and mood elevation.

If you have a special son or daughter who could do with some creative time in my studio in a caring and nurturing environment give me a ring on  07346-3435 or email me on
 Lessons are $25.00  to $30.00 per hour including materials, depending on age and circumstances.

Creative Quote of the Week
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Native New Zealand Bird Paintings by Keiko Walker in art classes run by Janet Keen in Rotorua, New Zealand.

Keiko comes most Wednesday mornings and has been creating a beautiful set of realistic native bird paintings in acrylic.

Keiko had never painted before coming to art classes and as you can see she has a natural gift and talent

She has a lot of patience and an eye for detail and is a pleasure to have in my class because she is so lovely.

 Spookey her Japanese Spitz comes as well and he is well behaved and likes chewing sticks of driftwood.

 We are looking forward to making some native birds in acrylic using texture with a palette knife next.

If you would like to come along for acrylic painting lessons I have places available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
$50.00 for two hours plus you own materials which I can give you a list for.

Ring Janet on 346-3435

I meet a lot of people  who say they have always wanted to paint, but they keep putting it off and they never get around to it. Keiko is an excellent example of a person who has made the commitment and is doing a beautiful job of making some lovely work.
It is easier to come to my studio to make art than to try and do it on your own where things like housework and other jobs  always seem to take priority.

Creative Quote of the day
"If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world." 
--Mercedes Lackey


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rotorua Public Library Exhibition of Animal Photographs by Janet Keen


Me in front of exhibition enticing other participants

 Christine Street, ( long term friend and artist)  liked the hedgehog
Graham my darling husband liked the  photo of himself  relaxing in front of a gate at Ohiwa harbour and bought it from me. How kind for above his desk  But he also loved the goat.

 He signed the visitors book, you all only have one more week to go in and see it.


Little kids always like animals
 Angela I've known for years is always a good participant, she loved the giraffe
 Vilna is often in the library as well, she is a dog lover .
The dog was exceptionally popular and won the number of votes.

If you have an exhibition proposal for me email me now at 
Mosaic, watercolour painting, photography and English as a second language classes Monday to Wednesday and Friday.
Some weekends by arrangement.
All held at Janet Keen Mosaic and Painting School
374 Clayton Road, Rotoua, New Zealand
Phone 07 3463435

Friday, May 2, 2014

Family Mosaics in Rotorua

Look at these beautiful people with their lovely mosaic creations.
Two fish and a dog, each one different, each with it's own personality.

We had such a lovely time in the school holidays making the mosaics together.
It's happy people like these who make my job and life so enjoyable.

You can book your family in for a  pleasurable mosaic making experience in the school holidays.
Just phone Janet on 346-3435 or email for times and prices.

These mosaics were made and grouted in three hours.

 Creative Quote of the day
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds I strongly feel there are three societal relations who can make a difference, they are the Father, the Mother and the Teacher. APJ Abdul Kalam
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.


New Mosaic and Art Classes for Adults

Come and be happy  Learning  to paint and make sparkling mosaics
With Janet Keen  (15 years art and mosaic  teaching experience)
Enquiries and bookings, Phone Janet Keen on 346-3435
or email
Cell 027 3513887

Beginners Acrylic Painting, Starts Monday 26th May, four Monday nights from 6pm

Beginners Water colour painting, Starts Tuesday 27th  May, four Tuesday nights from 6pm

Beginners black and white portrait painting on board, starts Friday 30th May, Four Friday nights from 6pm 


Beginners one day Mosaic workshop Saturday 24th May from 9am to 4pm, glass tile and mirror mosaics

Beginners one day Mosaic Workshop, ceramic tile mosaics Saturday 31st May from 9am to 4pm

Beginners one day Mosaic Workshop, re-cycled crockery mosaics,  Saturday 7th June

Beginners one day acrylic painting workshop, Saturday 14th June 

No minimum number to start. 
Small classroom set in an artists garden at 374 Clayton Road, Rotorua
Lots of paintings and mosaics around on the wall for inspiration.
Plenty of books to look at for ideas.
Kind, experienced and patient teacher.
Warm and cozy environment.
Maximum number of people 8.

 $250.00 per person,  including quality art and mosaic materials on board for four week class.

or $75.00 per session, come for one class as a taster

Concessions available for people who book and pay for two lots of workshops.
 Pay in advance or pay as you turn up.
($75.00 per session)
No Eftpost, please pay by cash or cheque.
Just come as you are  with an over shirt and have some fun being creative.

 Enquiries and bookings, pay your $25.00 non refundable deposit to secure your space now.

Phone Janet Keen on 346-3435
or email
Cell 027 3513887