Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rotorua schools, it's time to think about making mosaic murals to brighten up your buildings.

I love making mosaic murals with schools.
I am available to travel to schools in the Bay of Plenty and the Waikato.
I have travelled as far as  Te Kuiti and as close as just down to the end of my street.
 Have a look at these shots from Kaitoa Middle School.
 Girls from Expressives listening to me talk about  community mosaics
                                      Lovely teacher  who designed the mosaic with the help of her girls.
                                        She organised the funding as well.
                                       A very pleasant, enthusiastic  person to deal with.
                                  Right from the beginning she was onto it, efficient and reliable.
She would be an asset to any school as she really is dedicated, creative and  loves to go the extra mile for her pupils.

 Very helpful group of workers.

 We had a lot of fun doing the mosaic and one of the girls wrote me a beautiful poem out of  the blue, it was really special.It still makes me smile to think of that.

 I love teaching people of all ages to be creative but especially young people and children
The moments we have together are really precious
The kids you teach never seem to forget you when you run into  them in the street  because you are associatated with a great, hands on activity.

 These symbols are all the things that are reflective of being expressive about your community

 The caretaker did a great job of framing and erecting the mosaics.  .

 The mosaic murals at kaitoa Middle school  will be there for a long time and pupils can always remember what part they helped to make.

Here are shots of the grouting process and the display of it prior to going up on the school wall. .

   Finished mosaic being held up by willing workers at Kaitoa Middle School. The pupils I taught were  really incredibly friendly. They took me into their classroom and treated me like one of their whanau
It was very humbling. They were also appreciative of the effort I put in to help them achieve the mosaics.

Making mosaics takes quite a lot of effort and relies on them focusing . The expressives were very hands on and very efficient.

 Mosaics always come into their own after being grouted.

 I would like to return to the school and make some more some day.
Who knows, it may happen. It petty much depends on the funding or fundrtaisoing by the schools. 

  Funding for the project was obtained through the Civic Arts Trust.

Phone or email me if you are interested in doing a project. 07 3463435  or
You may qualify for help for it through arts funding. 

Creative Qurtes of the day
As the world community develops in peace, it will open up great untapped reservoirs in human nature.
-- Emily Greene Balch 

 "There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.Those who are fired with an enthusiastic idea and who allow it to take hold and dominate their thoughts find that new worlds open for them. As long as enthusiasm holds out, so will new opportunities."
Norman Vincent Peale

Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Mosaic Class Starting Tuesday September 18th

                            What?     Beginners Class Mosaic Classes
                                         Make a Fish/Bird Mirror and a Pot
                                    Glass tiles, Ceramic tiles, Vintage  Crockery 
When?     9.30am to 11.30am for four weeks

                             STARTING TUESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER.                

                                         All materials included.
                                          Just bring yourself.
                                          Wear Old Clothes.

Investment?  $200 FOR THE FOUR WEEK CLASS  plus material cost of $50.00
That's  only $250.00 altogether.

                       Pay $50.00 per time and the material fee on the first day. 

                       Or pay the lot up front.

Or if that's not your cup of tea, how about making a cool mosaic paver for your garden?
It's  Spring now,  can't you feel that itch to do something exciting and different coursing through your veins?
Time to spruce up your vege patch.
Surround it with some cool pavers.

                                 When: Monday Mornings 9.30am to 11.3am
                                                      For four weeks. 
                                       Starting  Monday 24th September.
                                               Make a paver of a native bird
                   Kiwi, Kaka, Pengiun, Fantail, Wood Pigeon, Saddleback , Pukeko.
                     You name, you  can make it,
                      Just order your bird and I will have it ready.

                                                    $250.00 including $50.00 material fee.

                                           Children's after school mosaic classes.
                                   Monday and Tuesdays  from 3.15pm
Plus school holiday mosaic classes Monday and Tuesday Mornings.

This place is buzzing with the hive of activity from busy little fingers.
Your child could be one of them forget about being bored, drag your kids away from their computers and playstations and get them into some creative play.
 Come to my studio to have some creative fun.

                                Beginner mosaic mirror ungrouted
                           We start off very basic so you get used to the cutting process.
 You'll be flying with these glass mosaic birds in no time.
I'll show you how to use my special cutters.
Make presents for Christmas.
Everyone loves  hand- made gifts.

 Beautiful colours and materials to choose from
 If you have a favourite colour, I can provide it.

 Perhaps you are an owl lover like me.
Design your own special theme or i can design it for you. 
 No two mosaics are the same because I  encourage  you to be creative and to fly with your own ideas and express yourself.
With techincal help and  smiles from me, you'll  get plenty because classes are small.

So what are you waiting for?
Hurry now
Book your place as classes fill fast.

 Phone Janet Keen 07 3463435
or email
Text 027 3513887

Creativity Quotes of the week 
Springtime is the land awakening.   ~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  ~Robin Williams

Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.  ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where women create a quick studio tour of Janet Keen Mosaic and Painting Studio. .

 Studio wall opposite art tables which changes frequently for inspiration.
 Mirrors next to art tables so that pupils can check out how their artwork is progressing.
With mirrors it is easier to see balance and potential areas for improvement.

 My art area where I create paintings for exhibitions and commissions.

 Sofa, stereo for playing peaceful music while people create, bookcases of art books and reading lights for relaxation, education  and inspiration

 Large window in relaxation area where you can view pongas, ferns , native trees and native birds.

 Storage area for mixed media and mosaic materials.

Tables for making art and conducting mosaic lessons.

Enrolling now for mixed media painting and mosaic beginner and advanced classes for October.
After school art pupils enrolling all the time.
Group school holiday  mosaic programmes available.
The benefits are that the classes are small and selective so that students obtain a lot of attention and help

The main advantage of my after school painting  classes is that my approach is student centred and they love it. I am not standing up infront of them boring them to death with too much art theory.
They are encouraged to get stuck in and play.
Each child makes what they want to make aligned with their interests and I facilitate by helping them with technical  and design advice.

It  is more of a partnership than me telling them what to do sitiuation.
I have lots of examples in books and arround the classroom to stimulate their imagination.

If you or your child want to develop your creativity,   please email me jkeen@clear,.net,nz
Phone 07 3463435.

Creative Quote of the day
Primary reliance on traditional teaching methodologies all too often leads to student boredom and apathy toward learning, accompanied by poor academic performance, greater behavioral problems and an increased drop out rate.
 However, research has demonstrated precisely the opposite regarding student-centered learning.
Kids enjoy school more because they are actively involved in their education, overall test scores improve, and behavioral and dropout problems decline." Richard J. Parker, executive director, Partners in Education USA Today

Cherry tree with Tui and more daffodil photos.

 I had a lot of hits on the last daffodil display so here are some more.

I have my favourite places  I go to with my favourite people.

When I come back to my studio to make or teach art, I'm filled with peace. 

Here are some snappy haiku to go with my shots.

                              spring sunlight
                              between us
                             the daffodils

                   his nose  peeks
                  from under a cheery tree
                   daffodils smiling

      his mouth peeks
      from under his moustache
      daffodil tasting

 springs first blooms
 deep in the park
daffodils behind us

early spring breeze
he smiles at me
 so do the daffodils

    bright day
two tui
                the scent of cherry

                                            spring cleaning
                                             new wall paper
                                             tui with cherry

                                   upside down
                                   cherry drinking
                                   the acrobat

                                      bright pink cherry
                                      the colour 
                                      of my new best dress

                                                drifts of yellow
                                                sound of trumpets
                                                herald spring

                           lace on her ballet dress
                           the colour of

warm rain
the daffodils bob
we share an umbrella

journey home
touched by black and white
Tui amongst cherries

 windy walk
we hurry between
swaying cherries

the sound
of  tui
cherry tree blossoms

In the city fields
Contemplating cherry-trees...
Strangers are like friends”
Issa, Japanese Haiku: Two Hundred Twenty Examples of Seventeen-Syllable Poems

Creative quotes of the day  
I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.
Pablo Neruda
 A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.
Jennifer Aniston


Friday, August 24, 2012

Where women create and the importance of having big dreams.

It's always been a dream of mine to be featured in the magazines Cloth Paper Scissors, Sommerset Studio and Where Women Create.

To  have my blog discovered by some famous international  blog posting site that offer me a guest blogger opportunity.
To be a guest artist in some American mixed media artists books.
To be a paid artist in residence at a school  full of enthusiastic and well behaved pupils  and to help them make some amazing painted or mosaic murals.

 I have made projects so far in ten schools, three kindergartens and for  lots of other community groups.
I need a lot more so I  can make the trip to Italy next year. 
Schools,  you can qualify for arts funding through the Civic Arts Trust and Creative Communities,  so if you are interested please feel free to contact me.

 St Josephs Catholic School, Te Kuiti.
 Happy, creative kids, that's what what mosaic and art making helps to inspire in schools.

 We made these two murals and a giant cross over two days.

Other goals.
 To be featured on the Good Morning Show with Astra  making a mosaic. 
I saw Astra at the Wearable Art  Rotorua last week,  she looked fantastic.
The universe offers you items on a plate and you need to know when to take them.

If you want to have some of your dreams come true you have to put them out there into the world for people to see and if it's meant to be, it will happen.
You've got to have faith.

 You need to surround yourself with successful people who are striving for their dreams and who will support you along the way. 

Here is a quick display of some of my illustrations that I have in a visual diary I  am making.
So far I have a collection of over 40 illustrations.
 I have inspired at least fifteen other people to make visual diaries.
I regulalry run visual dairy making workshops for groups of people.
 I love to see people become more happy by being more creative. 
Most of my illustrations are about journeys and dreams. 

  The Owl and the Pussycat going on an adventurebeside a miniature caravan park.

 Close up of the owl pulling up the anchor on their pea green yacht. 
 Woman on holiday in a camping ground taking her pet poodle for a walk along the beach.
 Lady in a caravan talking to her  friend on the phone while her three dogs are waiting
 The lady is still on the phone and the dogs are still waiting.
 The dogs are off the leash and the lady is looking up into the heaven hoping for some sort of  giant miracle to take her to a land far away.

 The lady is dreaming of entering imaginary worlds where a miniature zebra sits on her shoulder and smiles
Queens of castles built on shifting sands dreaming of being somewhere else. 
 Queens in teacups sitting with a dog far out to sea floating towards happier places, maybe
 More Queens in teacups floating away on an adventure with their dog, not looking any happier I wonder why?
 More queens with their castle built on sand looking for peace in all the wrong places.

Mother and her two children and the dog and the cat building sandcastles.

My dream is to go to the Untited States and run some workshops at their art retreats in Portland Oregin.
To  have some American artists travel over to Rotorua,  New Zealand to attend some of my workshops.

Creative Quotes of the day
 Dreams are extremely important. You can?t do it unless you imagine it."
-- George Lucas

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.
Pablo Picasso

Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts.
Rita Mae Brown