Monday, December 9, 2013

Mosaic and Painting pupils 2013 and general overview.

Goal setting is fine but if you keep on focusing on what you have to do instead of stopping and taking a breather and reflecting on all the great things that have achieved; you can start to feel like a rat in a lab.

In this photo I'm on the balcony outside our resort  apartment in Noosaville, Queensland during our mid winter break.
These were probably the happiest two weeks of my year so far. 
Although all year has been pretty good on the happy front. 
I would estimate it's been up around the 8 out of 10 mark all year.

I am really happy to say that I share the creative time with Cicely every week. 
She is only six and is adorable and she has a seven year old brother, Ryan who comes too and he's so caring towards her.

Cicely and Ryan both love reading my large collection of children's  picture books for inspiration.

They are born performers infront of the camera and have a great sense of drama and fun.

Hanwei and Hanxi have been a hive of industry with their ability to focus and work so well with quite complex projects. 
They are a credit to their parents. 

This was a heart project we did around Mothers Day
I was able to get five child pupils to do them and a couple of adults.

Yuhko has been coming for about two and a half years and she is a quiet person with a high skill level and she enjoys being creative,  She has completed a wide range of  projects.
 She loves landscapes and flowers and is skillful, imaginative and patient. 

Momoko came for a number of lessons during the year. 
She is a pupil at John Paul College has exceptional artistic skills and is a methodical and focused person.
 She bought one of  the homestay Japanese girls with her from John Paul  College for a lesson and she made this little flower which she took back to Japan. It had old New Zealand coins on it. 

Keiko bought her mother who was staying with her from Japan for a series of mosaic lessons while she painted native birds. 

 They also bought Keiko's adorable Japanese Spitz dog Spooky.

That beautiful dog is a heart stealer. 
I love  him and I will be getting one of my own I'm sure when my cat is no longer with me.

My cat Gary  seems to not be concerned about him, but there is no way that Graham (husband) is prepared to upset him by having his position of top animal jeapordised.

Sepsuko did a lovely job and took back five mosaics for her 

Keiko has great attention to realistic detail.

This is Kyra. 
We use these sessions for her to express herself in whatever way she feels like. 

Art can be used as therapy which is a great outlet.

Kyra has a lot of general knowledge about foxes and wolves which she shares with me.

She wears some wacky costumes which are fun and creative

 She's a gentle, sensitive and  spiritual person and her work is often based on fantasy.

She made a couple of steam punk posters after seeing mine plus she has made many water colour pieces with water colour pencils.

Cool sox, great steam punk work 
Kyra made this owl with a wood burning tool at a Queen Elisabeth health course

 Kyra with fox painting out of her head

Finn with his mosaic car. 
Finn came for around six months and completed some creative projects. 
He was a sweet young, sensitive, person.

 Kyle with  one of his fish paintings.
 He is focusing on realism.
He is going to Waiariki and enjoying the variety  of art and sculpture he is learning there and friendship with other class members.

This year I have had a variety of different students, both adult and yonger people.
Instead of grouping everyone into one or two days I opened it up to four days. 

I have had small relaxing classes where I have been able to really get to know people and they have been able to express themselves.

Adults have come in to learn mosaics and beginners painting lessons during the day

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Crafts and an Eco friendly Christmas tree

 Hanwei making a Christmas tree painting 

Hanxi with Christams tree and lollipop

 Finished Christmas tree paintings beside my white, spray painted branch Christmas tree

Girls decorating the Christmas tree

Owl and paua in a Christmas tree 

                     Hanwei and Christmas tree plus owl

           Hanwei with Christmas decorated cross

Behind  hard working, talented, well behaved art pupils are dedicated mothers and fathers and in some cases grandparents.  
These girls have consistently done homework every week in their visual diary to the point that they have a lovely set of children's book illustrations. 

They have an exhibition area in their garage with all of their work and I am going up next week to photograph it. 

                  They are stars
 They are very focused and get on with their work without a lot of prompting. 
They love achieving and being creative. 
They are always a pleasure to have in the class
                 A happy heart for Christmas.

                  A happy cross.

Children's work is sometimes quirky which is good. 
Sometimes children give me great ideas. 
I give them the tools and some guidance and let them fly. 

I love her work. 
I think that she had taken it to another level. 
Well done.

  This is my latest Pupil Anneke who is very proficient and talented  in drawing already. 

We are focusing on developing her painting skills.
 She will be doing a variety of creative lessons which allows her to have fun and relax. 
She comes from a very famous arty family, so she has lots of support.

Look at this gorgeous illustration. 
At the moment I am encouraging her to develop story book characters doing various activities. 
Children's book illustrators are my favourite artists.

 Sarah made this vision board poster for her friend.
 She also made this one about going to Rome for herself
 And this one.
The idea is to hang them where you can see them daily so that you can bring your dream into reality .
I also want to go to Italy and have posters around but need to bring them out again. 

This is Sarah beside my other Christmas tree with her lovely candle holder that she bought me for Christmas. 
I will be sad to see her go as shes leaving for a private school in Hastings. 
She is a really good worker, has attention to detail and has a flair for design.
 I wish her all the best for her future. 
She is so bright I know she will do well at whatever she puts her mind to. 

 Cicely is six and she her favourite colour is pink.  
She comes up with some cool ideas that are very beguiling. 
At the beginning she felt she couldn't do things but now her teacher at school says she is an artist and one of the best in the class. 

 It is lovely to see a child develop this way. 
We have a laugh and some great arty conversations. 
She has started talking about her work so I'll see if I can make a video of her and her brother.
They are so caring and loving towards each other.
They have produced a lot of good art and mosaics this year. 
I am pleased with their progress and so is their Mum.

 Yuhko is a gifted painter and realistic drawer. 
She is quiet and focused and has great attention to detail.
 She loves cats.

 She is always polite, respectful  and considerate and her mother and brother are a real  pleasure to know. 

 In my classes Kyle comes up with his own ideas and colours. 
 There is very little interference from me because I have been teaching him now for twelve years and it's my role to encourage him to be independent, not to spoon feed or do the work for him. 

He is doing well with this
The most important thing to produce a happy and confident person who can function well in society.
 You achieve this by being positive and setting a good example.  
Encouraging rather than critical. 

Children's holiday art and craft classes. 
Come along and make something different that you can hang on your wall. 
Mondays to Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 5.00 pm.
$25.00 per pupil per hour, including materials. 
If you want to make a mosaic you will need at least three hours. 

Ring 346-3435 or email to book your child in.