Sunday, April 27, 2014

After School Art and Mosaic Classes for Kids in Rotorua with Janet Keen on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays from 3.30pm

 Creating Art is a valuable exercise to develop the right side of the brain.


 It also cultivates self-expression,

a major benefit in your kids' development.

 Art is as important as breathing!


Art fosters positive mental health


 by allowing a child to shine with

uniqueness as well as

completing cool,


impressive masterpieces.

The kids and young adults  are so proud 


of these wonderful accomplishments,

which helps to build their positive self-concept.

After School Art


Where Kids and young adults get the knack!

 Inspirational classes to build kids confidence using sneaky tricks,



cunning shortcuts and genuine techniques.


 (Constructive skills for later use.) 

Every participant is an Epic success


 Creative Ambience,

 atmosphere and pleasant music

in a live artists creative studio and garden

 where there are heaps of examples for kids


 to get inspired from an hour of creative escapism!





Book your young artist in now for term two

$25.00 per session, including materials.  


Janet Keen Mosaic and Painting School for Kids and Young Adults.
374 Clayton Road, Rotorua .
New Zealand
From 3.30 pm to 5.00 for one hour
Enquiries and bookings  
Phone 346-3435 now
Email for information



Friday, April 25, 2014

Mosaic Flower School Holiday Classes and After School Classes, enrolling now

 I love the flower that Emily made so much that I would just love to make one exactly like it. 
She is a very talented artist. Well done. I hope I get to teach her to paint in the next school holidays.
 Congratulations you are a person of so many talents.

I cut the flowers out with my jigsaw and have all the tiles and glue and grout all ready for the pupil to come in and start creating.

I give them  instruction on how to apply the tiles and how to cut them and I give the pupil freedom also to express themselves

I have hairdryers to speed up the process.

Grouting with the correct grout for the job.
 All my mosaics look amazing in these glass tiles exclusively available for use in my studio.

They paint the back and sides of the Flower with Resene testpots of their choice.
A sparkly blue was chosen.
Resene is best for the job because it is good quality and it stands up to the weather outside.

The results speak for themselves.
 I use high quality materials.
Students work in a professional studio so they are treated like real artists.
The classes are small so they get very good attention.

They can be inspired by all my artwork and mosaics in a studio with an organic garden setting.

Group bookings for community groups enrolling now.

After school lessons enrolling.
Let yourself or your child fly with creativity today.

Phone 07 3463435
Text 0273513887

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Happy Birthday to me for April 11th

Hello I have just finished my birthday and I had a great day.
I slept in until around 10am
My husband went to work and wished me a Happy Birthday before he left.
 He gave me a desk top computer and also loaded some software onto it for me, which was very kind.

I slept in and got up around 10am. I had a shower and read the paper until 12 noon.
I cooked myself 12 Bluff oysters and had them with 2 pieces of vogels toast and some soda water.

I then went to the supermarket and bought some lollies, chocolates, sparkling grape juice, crackers chips and ginger kisses plus candles and balloons and bubbles for a kids birthday party.

I went to my studio, tidied the working desks up.
Then started spreading out the kids birthday things on the table.
Anneke came and helped me blow up the balloons and set everything out.
Then Ryan and Cecily came.

I let them all have something to eat and then we got into our artwork.
 They made me some birthday artwork and did some of their own.

Annekes father came along with Oscar his son and we all had something to eat and drink.

My friend Jing came as well and gave me a lovely diary.
I didn't eat many lollies and I had a few chips, the adults didn't eat much but the kids got stuck in and little Cecily said it was the best birthday party she had been to.
How cute.

Jing and I went to Kawaha Point and she bought Sushi.
I took a few photos.
It  was nice to be out in the open air with the sunset in a beautiful location.

I came home and opened the card from Graham.

I cooked him a baked potato and warmed up some  Coq Au Vin chicken from the night before.

We drank some really nice expensive wine ( $25.00 per bottle)
I watched coronation Street but fell asleep.
I woke up
watched reruns of it
I then spent the night on facebook celebrating with people who wished me a Happy Birthday.

it was great. I am happy, so happy.

Creative Quote of the day 
God gave us the gift of life. it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. Volitaire.