Friday, July 13, 2012

Impressionist Lake View Photographs of lake Rotorua from Kawaha Point


                    This  hazy view

                         of still waters running shallow on a  lake, next to a wharf

                       with the setting sun

                       reflected and shadowed

             was a waiting for me as though I  had never left it.

               I knew the hues to be muted, inky  and sombre and iced like a cake with slices of gold.

             The memory of time and  place  was etched in my mind, like an indelible engraving

It was a beautiful sunset last night and on dusk I  took a  detour  and walked out to my favourite  Rotorua lakeside wharf; taking some shots in the golden hour.
 I used to live in a house I  designed  at the top of the hill from this wharf.
 Thirteen years ago for thirteen years I  would walk the circuit right around Kawaha Point most days.
You don't remember things about a place until you go back to it and then everything starts flooding  in like a bunch of noisy children.
  Moments  remain  here ; they  float  in this untouched place,  I can revisit them any time I wish;  just by taking the detour.

Creative quotes of the day  
  Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours.
Doug Larson

Distance not only gives nostalgia, but perspective, and maybe objectivity.
Robert Morgan

 To look backward for awhile is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it more fit for its prime function of looking forward. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Early Morning photographs, outside my front gate.

All the experts know the best  landscape photographs are obtained early morning or just on dusk.
I am venturing  out regularly during winter to obtain quintessential misty shots.
Where did I go today?
Just outside  my front gate.
Miracles are everywhere. 




 photographs, like Constable oil paintings

with their atmospheric perspective and muted tones.

                                                                       Sun ray filled  tree silouettes   

and old farm buildings

                                     with  rickety fences are shrowded in mist.

                                                                               Beams of  light  shining through

                                          skeletal  branches  land and dissolve on patches of frost.

Steam rising from horses nostrils. Silege punches the air with acrid aroma. Early morning breakfast.

Last seasons birds nests perhaps waiting for their owners to return home.

The path to peace for me is always shown by nature.
                 Nature from my front gate provides plenty of precious moments to be greatful.

Creativity Quotes of the day 

“What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.”
A.A. Milne

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, July 9, 2012

Positive Affirmation Angels.

I am always in search of  marble  angel statues because I think they are poignant and uplifting.
I found these in a Taranaki  cemetery when I  went with my husband for a holiday  for a couple of weeks. 
I have never seen such a concentraton of them in such a small place.
It was angel  heaven.

I hope you find these uplifting....

You already possess everything you need to become great. 
Crow Proverb.

                      Just living is not enough. One must have a little sunshine, freedom and a little flower.
                                                                       Hans Christian Andersen

Always remember to slow down in life;  live, breathe and learn to take a good look around you. 
Everything and every person has a place in your heart. 
                                                                       Author Unknown.

                                          Music in the soul can be heard by the whole universe.
                                                                                         Lao Tzu

 We should consider each day lost on which we have not danced at least once. 
Fredrich Nietzshe

There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. 
Minnie Aumonier

                        Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
Kahlil Gibran 

Friendships are what our dreams are made of. 
We stand close to each other, hand in hand, showing each other we understand. 
Author Unknown..

Creativity quotes of the day 
The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly.  ~G.K. Chesterton, "Orthodoxy"

Pay attention to your dreams - God's angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep.  ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

 Life is a tapestry:  We are the warp; angels, the weft; God, the weaver.  Only the Weaver sees the whole design.  ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Art Appreciation at the Auckland City Art Gallery

I finally had a chance to visit the newly renovated and enlarged Auckland City Art Gallery a couple of weeks ago when I went to the Imagenation Photographic conference.
 It is now  a light filled and modern place with beautiful views.
The galleries are large and accommodating for the works.

 I have always loved Fine Art Photographer, Fiona Pardington's work, most of which I  have only ever  seen in books.
It was great to be able to view this particular creation in real life.

Following are other artworks I really liked as well.
I was amazed that they let people take photos, well done, excellent PR and a rare  thing for a public art gallery to do.

                                        Bill Hammond

     Richard Killeen

     Rosalie Gasgoine

    Rosalie Gasgoine

I didnt take down

the names
of these
which was
so if any are
living and they
see this post, I apologise.
If you build up an image diary of the type of art work you like;  you can see where your own work fits in.
You will  perhaps notice re-ocurring motifs and concepts, probably even colour tones and layouts.

Inspiration for work can be found everywhere, it's a matter of taking the time to see.

Creativity Quotes
Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

This was one of those special occasions when I could actually feel the inner appreciation of the beauty of the moment passing like an electric current through the brush in my hand. (Prince Charles)

When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. (Samuel Goldwyn)

Wingspan Birds of Prey Trust, Paradise Valley, Rotorua New Zealand

 Portfolio entry  of 10 related photographs  for Southern Institute Advanced  Digital Photographay paper.

Meet Fran at Wingspan . You can get up really close and personal

to some magestic raptors
 and talk to the trainers, (introducing Noel) who really care about these

 endangered birds.

                                     Falcons flying are difficult to capture
but shots of them gulping pieces of rabbit  meat
and sitting on fences scouting for prey
 or perching on shoulders are available for the taking.
                  Whisper  the Morepork is a gentle presence in the aviary and an excellent little surrogate  mother. 

So if you haven't been to Wingspan yet, you should go. 
Take your camera, get photographed with a raptor on your head or shoulders. 
Have a fun day out in the fresh country air. 
Go home and get creative. 

 Quote of the day