I live in the middle of an organic flower and vegetable garden that I started forming ten years ago. It's bursting with flowers and bees and represents one of my most successful creations to date.
The rhubarb in my potager has been begging to be transformed into a crumble for a couple of days so I harvested it and made it into a temporary environmental art piece before cooking it up.
We all know that rhubarb is a little tart at the best of times so I always add a number of pieces of angelica, the juice of two squeezed oranges and one teaspoon of honey to the mixture.
Four months ago I gave up eating sugar by using the mantra "sugar is poison," whenever confronted by chocolate bars in gas stations and supermarkets. I also converted all our weekly meals into vegetarian fiestas to see if turning into a bonifide greenie made me feel better.
Combined with going on regular power walks and swims, cutting down on coffee, drinking 3 glasses of water a day and starting off in the morning by writing down three positive things I am grateful for, I am pleased to report that I feel a hundred times better than when I first started.
It takes only a month to form a new habit. I have a few more habits I'd like to break like procrastination
I'll wait and see what happens...... Watch this space.
Cheers Janet. Don't forget I'd love to hear what you are up to creatively. My email is jkeen@clear.net.nz
Creativity quote for the day
The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Hi janet I love your photos didnt know you did photography too these are really cool Jayne
love the photos didnt know you did photography too really cool
love the photos this is my second attempt to post on your blog hope it works this timeJaynex
great photos third attempt to comment on your blog fingers crossed
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