Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wingspan Birds of Prey Trust, Paradise Valley, Rotorua New Zealand

 Portfolio entry  of 10 related photographs  for Southern Institute Advanced  Digital Photographay paper.

Meet Fran at Wingspan . You can get up really close and personal

to some magestic raptors
 and talk to the trainers, (introducing Noel) who really care about these

 endangered birds.

                                     Falcons flying are difficult to capture
but shots of them gulping pieces of rabbit  meat
and sitting on fences scouting for prey
 or perching on shoulders are available for the taking.
                  Whisper  the Morepork is a gentle presence in the aviary and an excellent little surrogate  mother. 

So if you haven't been to Wingspan yet, you should go. 
Take your camera, get photographed with a raptor on your head or shoulders. 
Have a fun day out in the fresh country air. 
Go home and get creative. 

 Quote of the day

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Imagenation Photographic Conference, Auckland. Fantastic event, so inspiring.

Every year the Advertising & Illustrative Photographers Association holds the Image Nation Professional Photography ConferenceIn Auckland, New Zealand.
This  event give NZ  photographers, assistants and students an invaluable opportunity to hear entertaining and insightful presentations from some of the world’s most renowned professional photographers and industry experts.
Attendees also gain an immense amount of useful and relevant information about the advertising and editorial markets – knowledge that can be used to achieve future success in the photographic arena.

The 2012 Image Nation Conference took place at Unitec’s Mount Albert campus in Auckland on the weekend of June 23rd and 24th.
Speakers at this year’s event included Urs Buhlman, Jez Smith, Nick Rains, Colleen Tunnicliff, Fraser Harding, Grant Sheehan, Joyce Campbell, Johnny McCormack, Shannon McGrath, Richard Linton, Sally Brownbill and Special Group.

 Trying out a canon fish eye lens at the conference from a company who rents them out.

 Imagenation Conference Experience.
I went and had the best time ever.
The speakers were outstanding.
The photography was at  a level I had not seen before.
The organisation was really efficicent and the people friendly.
The venue was comfortable.
The food was great; nice and healthy 
I made new  photographic contacts/friends
I learned a lot and have a ten point plan that I am implementing for my photography.
Am I going again next year?
Sure am.

 Fisheye photos

 Distortion to the max;  what a fun way to play.

My role as a teacher  is to inspire others on their creative journey; if it's meant to be i's up to me. 

Going to conferences, photography events, classes and meetings away from Rotorua  with other professional photographers helps to keep me positive and full of new ideas and it's so much fun.
Having fun is the key to creatvity.

I have come away with a ten point plan on how I  am going to develop my photography business and I am working with another professional photographer in Auckland to check in with  her to see that we are both on track.

Making yourself accountable to others with your dreams helps to accelerate the process.

I really like other photographers as a professional body of people because they are creative as well as commercial. 
They are well organised and willing to share ideas with each other. 

I want to travel to Italy next year to take photographs  of some beautiful  mosaics and paintings   in Catholic churches and Monasteries. 

 Having faith, visualising  to materialsie and being greatful for what I have helps dreams tohappen.

Creative Quote of the day
A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind.
Eugene Ionesco

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Haiku Festival Tauranga

I have just returned  from a two day  Haiku Festival in Tauranga  exhausted and bursting with information overload about  haiku, tanka and haibun.
Since I am  a beginner and have never written any tanka or haibun  it was all a  new  world to me.

 Haiku Master Class with world famous  Jim Kacian was full of energy and entertainment.
I was amazed the organisers Sandra  Simpson  and Margaret Beverland were able to obtain  funding to have a person of  his stature  flown all the way out from America, especially for the conference.

I  enjoyed  the Haiku, Haibun & Everyday Things with Dr Lawrence Marceau lecture.
 It was great to learn about the  Japanese historical and cultural perspective of these poetic forms.
 I sat opposite him and his lovely Japanese wife at dinner and we had a great conversation about Japan and pottery making.

Australian haiku expert Beverley George ran an  engaging  workshop on tanka.
She only had an hour which did not do her justice.
I would like to attend a workshop  with her for a whole weekend.
Maybe a trip to Australia to do it would be a good  in the future.
I can just see myself sitting in a Eucalyptus tree over a river in  Queensland pumping out Haiku and Tanka about Kookaburras, Kangaroos and Ibises.

Owen Bullock who was the first poetry teacher to introduce  me to haiku three years ago was  also at the conference.
 I am planning to go to Taupo to a haiku workshop he is running in August.
He is a very encouraging and positive person and it is these types of teachers that you need when first starting out.

I had a chance to catch up with Kirsten Cliff and see an array of her illustrated haiku.
 It is great to see her looking so well, happy and prolific.
Kirsten has had her haiku  published in journals all over the world in a relatively short  space of time.
She is a master at seizing the moment.

I realise  it's really easy to write trite, facile, obvious and just plain nonsensical haiku and tanka, the trick is to achieve the a-ha moment along with a degree of subtlety and lightness.
I  am presuming these qualities will appear in time with my haiku and tanka with more reading  and more writing and as my understanding and appreciation grows. .

My interest in reading and writing these forms has been further  ignited by the conference and that's what 's all about- inspiration. .
Attending a festival is a great way to find time to have a go and write some as well as learn from  the experts.

Thanks so much to Margaret and Sandra for a well run and fun Festival.
 I am grateful to these people for giving up their valuable time to organise such a momentous event.

  “Calligraphy of geese
against the sky-
the moon seals it.”
Yosa Buson

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tyburn Monastery visit

Tyburn Monastery Vista from the top of the hill.
Bernadette and I had been planning this trip for some while and finally we both had some free time.
The weather was misty and bordering on rain
it made the area look tranquil

The cross and hand 1, I have never seen such beautiful crosses
Hands of mothers are always so lovely.

cross and two hands.
the bleeding heart and hands

Jesus statue

Jesus 1
Jesus 2

You can stay at the Tyburn Monastery on a retreat.
You can go by yourself or you can go in a group.
The Mothers welcome people who want time out in quiet contemplation.

 The Tyburn Monastery  is Amid beautiful volcanic hills and pastures in Ngakuru, whihc is around a 30 minute drive from Rotorua New Zealand.
They have another monastery in Bombay.

It is a beautiful place and I didn't want to leave.

I will be back, probably for a retreat involving photography and perhaps sketching. 

The mothers all appreciate art and do pen and ink, illuminations and calligraphy.
They are friendly and welcoming.
It was a special spiritual time.
Thank you to Bernadette for introducing me.  

                                                        Creative Quote of the Day

“It is love alone that gives worth to all things”
                                                St. Teresa of Avila

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mixed media painting Class Shots , term three. Great results , plenty of creativity pumping out.

These first shots are from the pupils work during classes and during their 4 week exhibition at Essence Cafe in Ngongotaha.
Pieces are available for sale for very reasonable prices until  the end of June and five works have sold already.
 New  pieces are going up as fast as they can make them.

The next intermediate/advanced class will start on Tuesday the 17th of July and I also have a beginners class starting on Monday 16th July.

Ring me now on 3463435 to book your space.
 Numbers limited to 8 people per class.

Here are some photos of some of the pupils and their works all these people in one way or another have gotten out of their comfort zones to attend art classes and in some cases to exhibit.

The 7 pupils worked on a variety of  paintings which included plaster of paris, wax (encaustic), acrylic on recycled timber,  acrylic on canvas and collage.

Some of them  worked using inspiration from cutting edge Mixed Media art books and Sommerset Studio and Cloth Paper Scissors magazines.

One of Debbie's works out of my favourite artbook called Art at The Speed of Light by Pam Carricker.

Wax and Plaster of  Paris. Images  from the amazing book Plaster Studio By Stephanie Lee and Judy Wise.

These works ar on exhibition and display until the end of June at Essence cafe in Ngongotaha.

Attention to detail and an eye for aesthetic design.

Debbie with her Plaster of Paris work in monochromaic colours. 
Debbie is the adult pupil that I have had for the longest time.
 She likes to come to class because it motivates her to do the work as we set goals  and have some great conversations about art and processes. 
Debbie is an adept hanger of artworks during exhibitions and I believe she is ready to start exhibiting in Dealer Galleries if that is the track she would like to pursuue. 
Debbie is also an excellent muffin maker. 

 Heather works intuitively at the moment on pieces of re-cycled wood with wax .
 Treasures just pop out quickly and magically;  she is really in the flow which seems to have accelerated since I have been running the classes from my home studio. 

Heathers,  Faith Work. 
This work has sold. 

We will be doing a large session on wax next term, I have a new little mini oven for heating it up and the pupils  have all bought heat guns.
It's going to be aromatic and exciting.
I have ordered the wax from my special secret supplier.

Heathers little cow creation on recycled wood, complete with lichen, begging to be sold..

Three  of these works have sold already in the exhibition, well done people.

Hilary's oil pastel and wax on board painting sold almost instantaneously, I think she could  do a series in this style. 
I'd suggest Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn . 
This  represents her first artwork sale and she was very happy when I informed her. 

Hilary likes doing landscapes with textures, often from views from her home overlooking  Lake Rotorua.
She enjoys working in layers and produces bright, vibrant paintings.
She likes to paint for her own enjoyment and sees it as good therapy and time out from her busy life. 
Hilary recently reached out of her comfort zone to make a portrait that really sang.
Her work has improved in leaps and bounds since she has been coming to my classes over the years. 

Hilary's  artworks at Cafe Essence in Ngongotaha.

Ruby's plaster of paris and wax works.
Ruby runs a U3A Art Appreciation Group and is a prolific producer of sunny, vibrant art. 
She can always be relied on to complete any homework that I set and is willing to take risks and get out of her comfort zone to explore new techniques.

Ruby working on a colourful landscape.

Beginner pupil Lynette's first work . Lynette, did really well with the colour mixing  and brush control.

With my special beginers guide to doing self portraits, Lynette came up with this portrait of her mother when she was young. 
Really well done, I think she should keep on doing them. 
After a thousand she will have well and truly mastered them. 

Great tones to form depth and roundness of form.
 She was planning to give this to her mother and I'm sure her mother would just love it.

Pamela with the beginning of her poppy painting.
 Pamela usually works in water colours so it has been a great learning curve for her to use a different medium.
Pamela has been to a number of my water colour painting classes in the past and is a very supportive pupil with positive and uplifting things to say about my lessons and artwork.
It's  nice to have such a bunch of upbeat and dedicated  people around me,  I am blessed.

Laura was a new American pupil.
Sunny person; a pleasure to have in the class.
This lesson is a mixed media beginner work focusing on line and texture.

Laura at work.

Laura with her graphic outlining work, focusing on brush control, line work and the interplay of positive and negative space.

Laura, Heidi and Moira with their textured masterpieces;  these three worked really well together. 
They were  upbeat and worked quickly and diligently, sparking off each other. 
The synergy was really evident in this class. 
It's  gratifying as a teacher to have people performing so well and above all having fun and enjoying  the process.

Moira with the beautiful egg shell blue colours.

Heidi wth her Hundertwasser inspired creation.
We first put aluminium foil on the canvas and then black paint and used scratch back methods.

Moira with her Aboriginal inspired birds.

Heidi is  just starting to get back into her art after a break. 
 I can see really that it is what she needs to be doing. 
She has the drive and determination to keep on with it. 
 Setting up buddy systems is a great way to keep  your motivation high.

My classes really are often like buddy systems.
So if you need some extra encouragement in a safe, friendly and creative environment with a live practising artist.
  Someone who believes that everyone has a dream inside them waiting to be materialised, with 18 years  professional experience.
  I am your art making coach

Ring up and enrol and pay your deposit today as numbers are filling fast.
07 346 -3435
If a group is not your thing, I am available for personal,  one on one coaching.
Prices and availability on application. 

 If you are one of those people who has always wanted to do it; get out of your comfort zone, get up off the couch  and give art making  a go this year. 
  You will be surprised at the  little miracles that occur in your life once you tap into the  force of creativity that is within us all. 
Remember it's more about the journey than the end result and be prepared to make a lot of mistakes because it is through the mistakes made that you will learn. 
I used to have a tutor at Art School who said  to me, " Janet, you learn more from your mistakes than your successes" 
Believe me I  made plenty of those and so you can rely on me to be empathetic when things don't  go quite according to what you see in your minds eye.
 If you get a 10th of what you envisage, you are doing well. 

Ready to photograph your amazing artwork and to give helpful critiques which work to your individual strengths. 

I have well over 50 lessons in mixed media that I can set,or if you have your own ideas that need development and critiquing , I can help with that too. 
I have hundreds my own art and mosaic works on display and in visual diaries  that I am creating  for your viewing inspiration. 
I am always buying cutting edge art books which you are welcome to look at during class. 
Feed your eyes with inspiration of  others, adapt them and fly.

Rotorua Mixed Media Artist and Teacher Janet Keen with my Angel and Owl illustrations. 
 These are the beginning of a suite of works that are going to contribute towards  my Mixed Media Painting book. 

Universe bring it on. 
  I am also contributing towards a travelling exhibition with professional artists Lyn Hathaway and DeAnne Lawford-Smith in October 2013.

Creative Quotes of the Day
A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.