Thursday, April 3, 2014

Balloons over Waikato

The spirit of adventure is so intense in some people that they will do anything to get it.
 Spontaneity  with adventures makes them even more fun.
 At seven o''clock in the morning we left Rotorua and went to Hamilton to see the Hot Air Balloons that were being floated over the Lake, Innes Common and out to the University

 One of my favourites was this giant Hummingbird from Australia.
 I was wishing I could float away in one to lands far away as long as I had enough food, warm clothing, camera batteries and camera cards, along with at least one nice person to go with.

I made a mini movie of it with my I-Pad.

This is either a racing car driver or a spaceman.
I liked the idea of a spaceman better.  

I thought this sequence was
                     rather dramatic
Creative Quote of the Week
Who knows if the moon's / a balloon, coming out of a keen city / in the sky - filled with pretty people?
Creative Mosaic and painting classes for adults and after school pupils from Monday to Friday.
Ring 073463435
or email for a list of classes and prices.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Favourite symbols.

We each have our own personal symbols, shapes, animals and objects that hold a deeper meaning, or message beyond what they literally are. 

We find these images appearing again and again in our stories, our paintings, our dreams, our photographs, our jewellery, our homes and our lives.

Even though we know they repeatedly appear we can often be unaware of the conversations going on between the important things in our lives and ourselves. We figure we simply like angels, cats, crosses, bird, houses bicycles  or beautiful  girls  but what is it about these things that attract us?

Our collection of symbols are powerful expressions of our spirit. connection to our selves, our aesthetic and also to the Universe. Deepening our awareness of our symbology helps us to be more authentic and in touch witgh who we are and can lead to increased happiness because you know what you need to do to feel more fulfilled.

Create a Symbol Journal or Journal Page
Create a special page or section in your journal where you can gather your symbols. You may find you’d even like to dedicate an entire journal to exploring your personal symbology.

List your recurring symbols in words, drawings, photographs or snippets from magazines. Use what you have on hand and what is easy for you. Don’t let supplies or perfectionism get in the way of the process. Go ahead and draw an owl as best you can. Trust that you and the owl will know one another better; that is the key.

Write about what each symbol means to you.

For example, if one of your recurring symbols is a lighthouse…
  •     What are your memories of lighthouses?
  •     What stories do you know about lighthouses?
  •     What do you associate with lighthouses?
  •     When did you start noticing lighthouses?
  •     What does a lighthouse mean to you?
If you get stuck, do a Google search (e.g. “symbolism of lighthouses” “meaning of lighthouses”). Trust your own reactions to what you discover.
Getting to know your own personal symbology is an ongoing creative practice that will allow you to understand and express your true self in more and more powerful ways.

And if you don’t know your symbols yet, a regular practice of dreamboarding can help you find them. Over time, I have been able to see how again and again certain forms and figures find their way to my boards. This has been my primary tool for connecting with my own sacred symbols.

Some of My Personal Symbols

What are some of your personal symbols? What do they mean to you?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Making Sense of Midlife : A weekend course for women April 12-13 at the Arts Village- Bookings Essential: 07 3489008 or

                          Wende Jowsey  facilitator
We're peri-menopausal or menopausal, in a relationship but not sure where it's going, trying to raise children caring for ageing parents and wondering who we are in the midst of it all...
Sound familiar?
This creative, inspiring course is aimed at women aged 40-60+ who want to trust themselves again.
Intuitive facilitating means I focus on your  life' process using interactive processes, research based tools and information. Topics include natural approaches to peri menopause and menopause, relationship changes at mid-life, finding your authentic vocation and connecting with your spiritual centre.


"The Midlife course helped and inspired me in various ways.
 I was encouraged  to look  and see what I was and what I wanted to become..
I realised that I had many good years left in me yet. I made new friends and learnt that others experience the same emotions I do. I have had experiences I never thought possible. I was given the encouragement to grow and be honest with myself in what I wanted for me." W. King

$120 ( reduced fee for unwaged women please enquire)

Registration: (limited to 16 places) $50 deposit required by April 10th

Questions? Contact Wende Wende Jowsey []

Arts Village- Bookings Essential: 07 348-9008 or

Rotorua Art Mosac and Creativity Classes Janet Keen

If you are having a mid life crises ( and lets face it most of us have this at some time or other) , enrol in an art therapy class with me and have some fun, your crises will soon disappear.
Studio open Monday to Wednesday and Friday.
Ring 073463435 to book your space.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Portrait of an artist and her rat in the painting and mosaic studio of Janet Keen, Rotorua, New Zealand.

All sorts of people with different styles of art are made to feel welcome and accepted into my painting and mosaic studio. 
Even their pet rats. 
So far four people have come for lessons and bought their dogs. 
This is the first time I've had a rat pupil
She was really well behaved.

This is Kyra's take on a victorian rat. 
We may be doing other rat illustrations. 
I will post one I commissioned one of my clients to do for me of a rat resting on a couch in my studio. 

Of course now I want a pet rat. 
It's the loveliest feeling to have a rats whiskers caressing your fingers and the trembly sensation of a warm little rats tail running along your hand sends warm shivers up your spine. 
As usual my cat Gary and my husband Graham are not in favour of it so I   guess I'll just have to adore other people's rats from afar. 

Creative Quote of the Day
“The flute of the Pied Piper of Hamelin has never left us and it is essential that we train our ear to detect its false notes because in our case the flute is being played by the rats.”
Dimitris Mita

Enrol your child in my after school programme on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. They will never be bored, they will have a lot of fun and they will be enriched by  the experience. 

Phone 07 3463435 or email  

 This is my latest pupil Chloe. 

 What a delight Chloe is because she's a deep thinker and very sensitive and loves art. 
Here is her morepork. 
And here is the comment that her mother sent me via the email. 

Chloe was over the moon with her time with you just chatting and being creative.

I haven't seen her this excited in a long time and that pleases my soul. 
She is my special girl  she, can't stop talking about her next class and how she wished she could go every day.

Thanks for spending time with her and being so positive!

Kind Regards,


With Chloe I am setting her homework from childrens illustrated books and we are trying  to put different media on owls. She gave me a lovely card before she even got to class. I feel like she is a person who has been sent to me by God. I am so blessed.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Paradise Valley Wildlife Photos that I liked best of me and animals taken by Sharon Love

The Keas were especially friendly. They liked my zebra ring.

The donkey was a sweet natured hungry beast.

Gorgeous cute goat.

I lied this little hut with the deer antlers.

The lion cubs were so frisky and wouldn't sit still for a posed photo.

I think this is my favourite one

The stream is full of trout and ducks.

All the paths are so clean and tidy.

So as you can see you can have a lot of fun going with another photographer and taking photographs of each other in different picturesque, animal filled locations. 

 I am going back with Wieland Hartwig and his wife Chin next week and we are going to get shots of each other interacting with the animals.
 I am hoping to get a good shot so that I can add it to the exhibition Wieland and I are having on the 22nd of April.  

Creative Quote of the day 
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
Ansel Adams

Friday, March 14, 2014

Photographic and Mixed Media Exhibition in the Rotorua Public Library, coming soon watch this space.

 Animals are in .....

Wieland Hartwig and I preparing publicity shots, taken by his wife Chin for our up and coming exhibition in the Rotorua Public Library in April. 
He is preparing a video at the moment that I will post up here and on facebook as soon as its ready. 
You will be able to watch our progress as we journey together on an exhibition adventure. 

The theme of our exhibition is "our favourite images". 
Animals of all shapes and sizes have always been my favourites and so I am depicting them in a set of photographs and paintings. 

Watch this space as we embark on the exhibition journey. 
Wieland, his wife Chin and I are going to Paradise Valley Wildlife Park on Thursday to capture some more shots. 

All works in the exhibition will be for sale. 
Ten percent of the money raised by my works will be donated to the SPCA. 

Phone Janet Keen on 346-3435 or email if you would like to enroll in a painting or mosaic class depicting wild or domestic  animals. 
Classes Monday to Wednesday and Friday mornings for Adults and Home Schooled people. 
After school classes for gifted children from 3.30pm Monday to Wednesday 
Book your space now
Limited numbers 

Creative Quote of the day
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi