Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Magic Book By Rhonda Bryne

I have been receiving emails from Rhonda Bryne about her book Magic.

She is sending me instructions for 28 days on how to bring miracles into my life.

My miracles are having enough money to go to Italy and America next year and to teach people overseas art lessons for money every year. 

Plus having amazing relationships, health, energy, peace and happiness.

Also to have full classes for mosaics and painting of happy caring wonderful and uplifting clients.

Plus happy uplifting adventures 

I would like to keep on producing more paintings  and mosaics that sell well

 I would also like a tidy, clean and fully renovated house.

The secret to attaining all this is to live with an attitude of gratitude.

Each instruction that Rhonda send me helps me to focus on areas that  I am grateful for.

It is so easy to slip into the negative at this time of year in New Zealand when the weather becomes cold, dark and rainy.

It is so easy to be put off by the passive aggression, indifference and negativity of people, especially if you are sensitive and artistic.

But this book helps with your relationships so that if these people come into your orbit their energy will be deflected and you won't   be put you off your course. 

You will attract positive, upbeat and effective people who by their shining light will help you get to the next level so that you can help others.

These are my dreams and goals  for the next 28 days.

Every time a negative thought about something or someone enters my head I am going to counter it with something I am grateful to them or it for.  

I am also talking to my pupils about this and some of them are coming along on my journey with me.

This is exciting because when you teach others and spread the good word, you really get a chance to make magical things happen.

"I like going to Janet's after school art classes because we have fun and we can do what we like instead of being told exactly what to do all the time." Anneke

"I like Janet's art classes because they are fun and I am able to find time to express myself creatively and have some time out."

At the end of the 28 days I am going to honour Rhonda by buying her book and recommending other people also buy it.

Creative Quote of the week
Over­all I really enjoyed this book and I feel more at peace inside. I have wit­nessed some pos­i­tive bless­ings in my life, have more love and sup­port from fam­ily and friends and over­all have grown I feel as a per­son. I have become a bit more hum­ble, less self­ish and learned to be thank­ful for the world I live in, the peo­ple I am sur­rounded with and the love from above that shines on me everyday.

If you would like to join me on the journey for 28 days 
Ring me on 346-3435 or email me and we can organise a series of creative exercises for you around the practises of this book.

Email jkeen@clear.net.nz for classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Being grateful for the month of June and the law of attraction

Your thoughts have immense magnetic power that is more powerful than anything in this world.
 Be a magnet to what you want, and think about what you want instead of what you don’t want.
 Your magnetic power works equally for both. Rhonda Byrne

I am receiving some free words of wisdom every day from Rhonda Bryne who wrote The Secret. I have this book but I haven't picked it up in a while.
She's written another book called Magic. I'm thinking about buying it.

In order to promote her book she sends people on her database free teasers about the importance of being grateful for everything.

 I am going to be grateful for the whole month of June about everything. I am going to not moan about things I can't change and I am going to have positive, peaceful and polite thoughts about everything and everybody.

She has all of her online marketing sorted and co-ordinated.
No wonder she is so successful and good on her.

The Law of Attraction/ The Secret Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want and the feeling of having it already. Focus on being grateful for what you have already. Enjoy it! Then release in to the universe. The universe will manifest it.

I want to believe this especially in the area of gathering more wonderful clients to teach watercolour to in order that I can save up enough money to go to Italy.

This is my dream a 5 week holiday in Italy.

So if you would like to come to me for watercolour painting lessons on Monday to Wednesday mornings and Friday mornings.
Ring me on 3456-3435
 or email me at jkeen@clear.net.nz

I have the perfect, stress free , fun and exciting lessons for you to fly with creativity.


Mt Maunganui Day Trip Adventure.

 Do you ever feel you just want to get away from where you live and have an adventure?

 The advantage of living in Rotorua is that it is easy to escape somewhere else which is just as beautiful and exciting.

On Sunday morning my husband and I were heading out to the Lake Okareka boardwalk and it was raining slightly.

 I said "What would happen if we just kept going and went to the Mount for the day?
He said yes so off we went.

We stopped the car on the sea front at the Mount and walked along the road to the main shopping area and called into Zeytan which is my favourite Middle Eastern cafe and had a lovely cup of coffee and a muffin for fuel.

We then walked along the road and walked up a steep flight of steps to a little mountain called Mt Drury that is at the end of the shopping area.
I've passed it a hundred time and never walked up.

The view at the top is lovely and sitting on the picnic table at the top gave us a rest after the steep climb.

We then walked down the other side to the sea and walked along the boardwalk.
Then we  walked back to Zeytan and had bread and four dips and Graham had scallops plus we had freshly squeezed orange juice.
I love their dips and I have them every time I go there.

After this we walked back to the beach and went for another short walk out to Moturiki Island and down a flight of steps to some rocks where some fishermen were.

We watched some men surfing and some boys looking for crabs amongst the rocks.

We then walked back to our car

And saw this dramatic sky

We escaped the rain in Rotorua for the afternoon and had some exercise.

I then went to mass and caught up with a couple of friends.
I was happy after the sermon because the priest talked about peace.
My aim for the week is to have peace of mind every day, no matter what challenges I am faced with.

Creative Quotes of the day
It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.

I'm concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.



Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nik Software, using it to make your photographs pop.

I love every type of bird, apart from crows but even they are beautiful for the glossiness of their black and turquoise coats.

 Swans are much maligned for their aggressiveness and manure making propensities

But I love the elegance of their necks

and their bright red beaks

I think they can look regal and their voices are like the chimes of a squeaky set of park swings.

They can be aggressive I agree and when they put their heads down like this and swim towards you, it's advisable to move out of their way

Geese also have a reputation of being aggressive because of their ability to extend their wings and come running towards you while hissing.

 But these lovely babies at the lakefront just go about their ablutions not hurting anyone.
They are so fussy about their appearance and the cleanliness of their feathers.
I hang out with them quite regularly and they know me.

I went down to their bathing place and stayed for an hour photographing them. They don't seem to mind. The air coming off them is one of acceptance and gentleness.

I tried an experiment.
 I do this to cattle in paddocks and it always works.
I looked one in the eye and said I love you so much you are beautiful and I blew it a kiss.
It looked up at me and fluttered its eyes like cats do when you talk to them.
 This means that they return your sentiments.
They are very sensitive they can feel how you feel about them and they often respond returning the feelings
I believe we are connected energy wise to all living animals.
It's just a matter of taking time to sit down with them.
Most people are far too busy  or insensitive to notice.

The lake on this day was glassy and even though the skies were overcast it made for  an almost surreal scene, the Nik software helps this.

You can change the tones and the sharpness with it

These scaups are another favourite type of duck of mine.
 They have high pitched peeps and have a cute shape like those yellow floating  rubber duckies you had as a kid.

This is a scene out at lake Okareka which has been heavily manipulated with Nik software to the extent it looks un natural but I like it that way

I love cloud scapes

 and are perfect subjects to experiment with.  I can imagine flying amongst these clouds.

I go up  Mt Ngongotaha to take shots of the mist rolling in during early winter mornings  and take shots of Mt Tarawera, because it's just up the road from me.

Mt Tarawera always manages to look menacing to me as though it's holding in an explosion that can fill our atmosphere with choking ash at any time.

Early mornings are some of the best for the light.

I still have a long way to go before I master all the intricacies of this photo manipulating software, but the important thing is I'm having fun discovering how to make my photos pop.
There are a lot of masters out in cyber space who make online videos to help.

Give it a go and see what happens.

Creative Quote of the week

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tarawera Mountain and Mokoia Island


Impressions of the Rotorua Lakefront.

This family of geese are always lurking around at the lakefront eating grass and acorns at the moment because they are in season.
I love them because although they have a reputation for being aggressive

These ones aren't. They are really friendly

I have followed them so often on their little jaunts with my camera I think they are almost used to me

I think they recognise me because the feeling I  got off them the last time I saw them was gentleness.

It might sound strange but I find I have a really deep connection to most animals.

I have had encounters with them too numerous to name where they seem to sense something on me that makes them feel very calm.  Perhaps they know I respect them and they just relax around me.

I've manipulated all of these images in Photoshop using NIC software so they are not natural looking but that is the whole concept.


The walk to Sulphur point  along the lakefront is shrouded in these Kanuka's which give off a lovely reviving aroma.
 I particularly enjoy the shadows.

This is a section of rust off some old machinery at Sulphur point that always intrigues me for its Australian like landscape colours.

Rust never sleeps is evident in this shot.

I have chosen the lakefront as my project for the year to revisit in all seasons in all weathers.

It's an exercise in digging deeper.

Creative Quote of the Day
The goose that lays the golden eggs likes to lay where there are eggs already.
Turn your photographs into water colour paintings with my lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at my studio at 374 Clayton Road, Rotorua. 
Ring to book your space at 346-3435 or email jkeen@clear.net.nz