Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Magic Book By Rhonda Bryne

I have been receiving emails from Rhonda Bryne about her book Magic.

She is sending me instructions for 28 days on how to bring miracles into my life.

My miracles are having enough money to go to Italy and America next year and to teach people overseas art lessons for money every year. 

Plus having amazing relationships, health, energy, peace and happiness.

Also to have full classes for mosaics and painting of happy caring wonderful and uplifting clients.

Plus happy uplifting adventures 

I would like to keep on producing more paintings  and mosaics that sell well

 I would also like a tidy, clean and fully renovated house.

The secret to attaining all this is to live with an attitude of gratitude.

Each instruction that Rhonda send me helps me to focus on areas that  I am grateful for.

It is so easy to slip into the negative at this time of year in New Zealand when the weather becomes cold, dark and rainy.

It is so easy to be put off by the passive aggression, indifference and negativity of people, especially if you are sensitive and artistic.

But this book helps with your relationships so that if these people come into your orbit their energy will be deflected and you won't   be put you off your course. 

You will attract positive, upbeat and effective people who by their shining light will help you get to the next level so that you can help others.

These are my dreams and goals  for the next 28 days.

Every time a negative thought about something or someone enters my head I am going to counter it with something I am grateful to them or it for.  

I am also talking to my pupils about this and some of them are coming along on my journey with me.

This is exciting because when you teach others and spread the good word, you really get a chance to make magical things happen.

"I like going to Janet's after school art classes because we have fun and we can do what we like instead of being told exactly what to do all the time." Anneke

"I like Janet's art classes because they are fun and I am able to find time to express myself creatively and have some time out."

At the end of the 28 days I am going to honour Rhonda by buying her book and recommending other people also buy it.

Creative Quote of the week
Over­all I really enjoyed this book and I feel more at peace inside. I have wit­nessed some pos­i­tive bless­ings in my life, have more love and sup­port from fam­ily and friends and over­all have grown I feel as a per­son. I have become a bit more hum­ble, less self­ish and learned to be thank­ful for the world I live in, the peo­ple I am sur­rounded with and the love from above that shines on me everyday.

If you would like to join me on the journey for 28 days 
Ring me on 346-3435 or email me and we can organise a series of creative exercises for you around the practises of this book.

Email jkeen@clear.net.nz for classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. 

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