Sunday, December 19, 2010

Poetry I have created.

Whenever I read stories in the paper about men who murder their wives I always want to scream because of the interviews the media conduct with the perpetrator’s friends and neighbours on television.
 Time and again you read and hear words like “I can’t believe it, David was such a nice, quiet guy, the very last person we thought who would do such an awful thing.”

My answer to this is even most sickly sweet, shyest person can be moved to murder given condusive circumstances.
A person’s ability to put on a nice, kind front outside their home has absolutely no bearing on it.

 If you are going to be murdered by anyone it is most likely that it will be by your spouse or a member of your family or a close friend.  Sad but true.

 Let's hope that this Christmas is filled with light, love and peace and that there are no more domestic tragedies over the holiday period.

Sweet Song
After chopping up his wife
and two kids
With a knife
My neighbour came over
For a quick cup of tea

I can’t believe it,
“You’ve always been
so nice”
I said stroking his arm

After the police took him
I sat down
with a gin
and stared into the fire
with Smokey
my cat

poured inside me
like treacle-
It flowed like a
drip on a sea-saw
and clawed like a crow
on a swing

has nothing
at all
to do with it
does it?
I muttered and
Smokey agreed
needling my knee

Take me
a house proud
Kitchen Goddess
on Prozac
pouring smiles
over all
like custard
on hot apple slice

Even after
I found her
in his trouser
I still managed to plaster a
smile over my
baked Alaska

If I smacked out
his smirk tonight when he
came home
 again late from work
that’s what my (remaining) neighbours
would say about me

We just can’t believe it- Sue,
she was so sweet
a member of Forest and Bird
the SPCA and tennis.
She wouldn’t even swot
a fly,
She was so nice.

 I visited a zoo where all the animals looked miserable.  Everyone was overcrowded and I wished I could liberate them all or at the very least take one or two home.
I wrote this poem in response to another persons poem who was also appalled at the conditions these animals were in.
One of the nicest zoos by contrast you will find is Paradise Valley Lion Park in Rotorua. All the animals there look so happy, well fed and loved.
I recommend it as a lovely day out for all the family.
Caged Bird

Oh blond bird
Sad and caged,
Cocky to world,
Inside enraged.

Gilded life?
Home baked notion,
Dosed alive
Palliative potion.

Seduced by promises,
"Pretty Girl" fame,
Marilyn Monro,
Fading dame,

Talents unnoticed,
Dreams unseen,
Filled with loss,
What might have beens?

Song sings woe,
Terminal breakage,
Joy from heart,
Gradual leakage,

Chirpy for lookers,
Choking job,
Increasing grind,
Mindless fog,

Freedom you crave,
From Ground Hog days,
Can never be granted,
Jail's your stage

But wait there's hope,
Director’s lapsed,
To lock your door,
The zoo's collapsed…

                                                        Creative Quote of the day
Surround yourself with people who respect and treat you well
Claudia Black

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