Hi this is a book which I bought for the cover and that's about the best thing in my opinion about it .
I don't like criticising other people's travel books ( so I feel a bit mean saying this) because I have never written one, even though I want to.
I bought the book to have a frame of reference, so I could start one
Never, ever be seduced by the look of a cover. If I'd read online reviews first I would have had my impression confirmed.
It is more like the opposite of what a good travel writing book is to me.
I found it to be a superficial, upper middle class woman's touristy tour of Italy based on the food she consumed in high priced hotels.
She didn't engage with anyone much on her trips. Made endless references to the decor and quality and quantity of food. She may as well have stayed home and eaten in the Ritz every day.
She dragged her long suffering husband along to lots of places as he sat next to her reading the paper.
Her tone was imperious.
Nevertheless, I see it as a sign that I am going to Italy soon to see the mosaics and the Vatican.
I am envisaging a good year coming and I am grateful for the happy things that happened in 2013
Have a look at some of my clients' work....
This was a mosaic commissioned by Patrick Walsh, (Principal of John Paul College, Rotorua) and his beautiful wife, Paulene who is an RE and English teacher at John Paul.
Their youngest children Orla and Eamon helped to cut and glue all the ceramic tiles and grout it.
They were lovely, intelligent people to work with and the finished mosaic looks happy, quirky and beachy.
Sometimes people want to do different projects.
This was a larger miror than normal, it was a round mirror instead of a rectangle
A natural theme with butterflies and flowers
Mosaic interior mirror with ceramic tiles.
Mosaic pukeko paver using glass tiles
Mosaic Mirror, using ceramic tiles
Mosaic pot, using recycled crockery
Mosaic fish using glass tiles.
Family groups welcome.
Children's book illustrations a specialty
Mosaic hippo with bird, using glass tiles
Mosaic mermaid mirror, using glass tiles and marbles
Beautiful calm colours
This was a designed for the clients bathroom
Mosaic glass bird
Weekend, January, February and March workshops, available.
Priced From $300.00 and upwards per person, including materials.
Email jkeen@clear.net.nz now to book your place
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